Thursday, 29 July 2021


Dreams & Vision 

1. What is Dreams & Goals ?
2. What is our Activity Goal ?
2. What is Visualisation- Verbalisation and vitalisation Exercise ?
3. How to create a vision or build a dream of a new Family ?
4. What  is the  meaning of  compounding effect? 
4. How to create a vision of a Distributor ?
5. What is  Structure and the importance of structure in goal setting ?
6. How to create strategy for Changing our Pin ?
7. How to create a Founder Platinum Strategy ?
8. What is ALBS and its Qualification ?
9. What is Long term security ?
10. What is Fixed mindset and Growth mindset ?q
11. What Home work should i give to my downlines ?
12. What are the habits needed to sponsor people, creating a team of more than 200 people and controlling a team of more than 200 people ?
13. How do we make money in Amway ? ( Depends upon your learning )

1.What is Amway Core plan ?
2. What is Amway Core Plus Plan ?
3. Calculation of Amway Income ?
4. What is Enhanced Sales commission or Ruby commission in Amway Plan ?
5. What is depth commission in Amway Plan ?
6. What is Cake commission in Amway Business ?
7. What is FAA Commission in Amway plan ?
8. How to join PC, ADR and ADS Online ?
9. How can you place personal order and group order ? What are the delivery charges ? How can you create and add a new address for product deliveey ? 
10. What is the mechanism of sponsoring People ?
11. What is going deep and building Depth ? 

1. What are the Quotation for starting a Health Plan ?
2. What is Modern Life Cycle ?
3. What is EARN Principle of Health ?
4. Write a small summary of Nutrition ?
5. What is Food Gap or Nutrition Gap ? What is the impact of Nutritional gap on our health ?
6. Why should we go Nutrilite brand for our Nutritional needs ?

1. What is the importance of success principle ?
2. What is soft skill in our business ?
3. Explain the principle of Objection Handling ?
4. Explain the principle of Prospecting ?
5. Explain the principle of 3 powers ?
6. Explain the principle of 4 Basics ? 
7. Explain the principle of 6 Cardinal Rules ?
8. Explain the principle of 9 Core Steps ?
9. What is Techno pack in our business ?
10. What are the plans of Brit Techno pack ?
11. What is Bridge App and what is the importance of Bridge App ?
9. How to plan personal volume through success principle ?
10. How to handle family disputes or upline-downline disputes through Brit success principle ?
11. How to take appointment of New people ?
12. How to take appointment of strangers ?

1.Why party plan important in our business ?
2. What is Cover Dish Event in our Business ?
3. What is PASE MEETING in our Business ?
4. What is 80/20 rule ? How can we use this tool in our planning ?
5. How to create large number of group in my organisations ?
6.What is multi level money machine ?
7. What is the difference between sposoring people and building team ?
8. Strangers build all the business of the world 
9.We become Loyal customers of vegetable vendors, because he gives us the right price.
10. Ready to use product vs Concentrated product, 
11.  Free means Following your passion.
12. How to give impact statements on Business preview ?

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