Wednesday, 5 August 2020


How to start meeting after the introduction of Host ? 

( Always start your speech by offering Thanks to the Host )
Thank you my dear host, for inviting me to share the very important  subject of Brit Legacy,  Thank you very much. 
It is a great honor and privilege to share my ideas in front of you all. I thank God and am very thankful to my upline for this great opportunity.

Today I shall be sharing my views regarding the most powerful principle of Brit Legacy ie 3 powers. All principles of Brit Legacy are very very powerful.    

What is the Brit Legacy ? 

Bill Brit has taught us the principles of success in Amway Business. 
Success principles are power packed sentences which has potential to move peoples mind. 

Bill and Peggy Brit have created unbelievable success in the entire globe through these principles. And thousands of people are successful in this world by sharing these principles.

We are fan and staunch follower of Bill and Peggy Britt. 

Bill Britt is no more in this world but his teachings, his Success principle is our Assets, our Legacy.

The summary of Brit Legacy is 3-4-6-9 BIB. 
These principles are 
3 powers, 
4 Basics, 
6 Cardinal Rules, 
9 Core Habits and BIB (Board in the Bed room).  

Today I am going to share with you the principles of  3 POWERS .  

3 Powers principles is very very special and very very unique to build our faith in the journey of success.

3 Powers principle can be used in building our personality , our self image . 
Nothing is impossible on this planet.
3 powers principles build us to overcome all the challenges big or small of your daily life through WORDS. 
Our words gives us energy, gives us hope, keeps us focussed and helps us to overcome obstacles and hurdles.
You can use these principles anywhere, and everywhere in your Life.

You can use these principles in your personal growth, in building your team partners. 
You can also use these principles to achieve your goals and your business partners goal.

 And also in building your relationship with your Spouse , children, and other family members and your business team.
 Also this success principle of 3 powers will help you to resolve your conflicts emerging in your day today work. 

This success principle will help you  stop complaining in your life and start taking responsibility. 
This success principle will give u unlimited power and belief to handle all small & Big challenges in you daily routine.

What are three powers ? 

You create power in your life by using these three principles.



All powers of the universe comes out from your mouth. Your words are your Future. You can build your future, you can design your future with your Words.
You are the architect of your Future.
You can bring progress,  improvement, and transformation in yourself by saying what type of person you want to become in the future. What type of career u want in your life ? The success journey starts from you. And your belief is the starting point of your success journey. 
Your Belief- your struggle-and your success. You have to internalize this success principle. You have to comit to yourself over & over whatever odd, whatever situation u face in your life. No matter whatever test u are put in. You have to say, to yourself i am a winner, and i am going to win.  I am not going to accept defeat, i will overcome all the challenges. 
This is the attitude you have to produce before you win.
You can achieve all your daily goals, weekly goals,  monthly goals, by articulating and verbalizing as if you have already achieved your goal. Yes, i am going to make it happen.

You can improve your relationship with your spouse in daily life by your spoken words. Never say, what you dont want in your relationship with your spouse.  Make a habit of seeing something positive, something good in your spouse. Make this as your habit. Your words can make or mar your future , your life. Such is the importance of our spoken words.

When there is hope in your words, it becomes blessings. This can encourage and empower your people, you are associated with.
Remember, the essence of network marketing is empowering people. 
The attitude of building business is building your people.
You are the Torch Bearer of HOPE in people's lives.
If you want to do 100 PV. Dont say No money, No honey. You are giving an excuse for your non-performance, Instead, you say, No goal no glory, it will give u hope and power to complete the goal.
Ask yourself, how can i do 100 pv before 5th of every month. You will make your mind creative and productive. You can create miracles with your brain. Your brain is your treasure house, Your brain is the key, you can achieve whatever you want by your brain. 
If you want to achieve BFI, say to yourself, sponsoring people is very very simple. I am master in relationship building. I am skilled in asking question and probing needs of people. May be you are feeling that you are not comfortable talking to new people. But you are guided to speak what your heart doesn't believes. You are practising what you dont belief. But remember developing belief is also a journey. It doesnt happen instantly. But your doubts, and fear gets transformed into strong belief and conviction.
We are the best solution provider, people have problems  so people will join our partnership to solve their problems.
People need healthy products. They will only purchase the product, if u are able to transfer your belief and feeling regarding the products. Be very very passionate about your products and dreams. So take care of your spoken words. And u can create unlimited personal growth from yourself and from your team.


 Unity is working as a team. Your first team is your home team. Respect your spouse to build unity in your home team. 
We build team in our business. Respect your upline, give him best treatment, you will create a great team. 
Dont compete with ur upline but complete him as a team. 
We should work on building unity. People are attracted towards Unity. If there is a unity between two-person, the third person will be attracted to him or her.
So, always appreciate people for something good. Build their self-image, by saying something positive to him like...
You have a very special talent.
You are very unique.
If u decide, You can do it.

If parents live in unity, children are attracted.
If the teacher and principal are in unity, they attract more new students in their school and opposite to it will create a vice-versa result.
If the prime minister and the cabinet ministers are operating in unity, they will attract the positive attention of their citizens.

So, in Amway business When Upline and downline work in unity, they build a powerful team. They create a high-performance team.
So be in unity and teach unity. 


It means when u are in submission to your mentor, u generate more belief, more confidence, and more power in yourself.

Remember, submission is not weakness but strength.

The difference between an average person and a super achiever is that the average person do not have a mentor in their life.
But, every super-achievers have a mentor in their life. 
People who do not have a mentor in their life, they will be trading their time and skill for money for their entire life.
Amway business is very unique and very special because we get a mentor who gives us personalized mentoring. This is very very powerful.
Don't question your mentor, but put yourself in submission.
You can have many uplines, but every upline cannot be your mentor. You select your mentor and authorize to correct you the freedom to figure out ur blindspot. This will make you feel more confident and more powerful.

Don't feel depressed or disappointed, when he corrects you. If u don't give him authority, he may not feel free to give u suggestions.
Your relationship with your mentor is very significant for your mega success.


Questions : ( Make your notes by answering these questions )

1. Which is the most powerful Brit Legacy to build our business?
2. What is the 3 Powers principle?
3. Which powers can be used to achieve our goal and How?
4. How can we use the first principle of 3 powers, in building relationships in our family?
5. Why the power of unity principle, so important in building a powerful team?
6. For doing 100 PV by the 5th of every month, which power principle can be used?
7. What do you mean by the power of submission?
8. What is the difference between an average person and a super-achiever?
9. Submission is not weakness, but strength, what do you understand by this line.
10. Why should you authorize your mentor to correct you?