Wednesday, 1 January 2025

LTD process for building responsible and Accountables Leaders

What is LTD principle ? 

LTD principle means  Learn, Teach, and create Duplication.
LTD process is a process of creating massive massive duplication in our Team. 
LTD duplication helps us in creating Financial freedom for generations . 
The more we learn , the more we grow. When we stop learning, we stop growing. This success principle must be duplicated by every individual in our Team.

When we join Amway business, it is our fundamental responsibility to Learn how to build the business and stay rich when you are at the top.

We can never be casual with the success principle. If u are casual with the success principle, you are casual with your Future.

What are success principles ? 

Success principles are proven and established ideas that have worked for many people in the past and will definitely work for others in the future. None can argue with the success principles. It is an established and proven fact. It has worked for thousands and thousands of people, so these principles will work for you too.

Our First Responsibility is to Learn 

When we start the success journey, the journey of our hope, the journey of our Dreams, we should understand and follow the success principle  LTD.
Our first responsibility is to Learn the process of  success .
Our success principle is very very helpful  in creating a successful team. 
We have  to Learn all the ins and outs of the business process. It is mandatory. No excuse. Learn all the process of success journey.

Write your Dreams & Goals ? 

The  first step in the success journey is to have clarity about our Dreams .
Writing our Dreams clears our mind from ambugity, fears and doubts .
First we must clearly write our Dreams and next the process of  Goal setting must be clearly defined.
The dream must always be written and well-defined.
The dream is a long way journey of 2 to 5 years. We must have very very strong faith to cover the distance.
We should believe every mega-success is achieved when we write our dreams.

( When we don't write our Dreams, it is our wish, is our imagination. It is never going to happen, so it is very important to write whatever we dream or imagine about our future )

Our dream must be clearly defined and written. What, Why and When.
Goals, structure, and then goals in your team with different people teaching the structure and then again teaching structure, and again structure deeper we go with structure our Business team is in the process of building strong strong foundation and thus becoming a peeple ( पीपल) or a Bargad ( बरगद) TREE. Thus our business gets secured for hundreds and hundreds of years
Piple and Bargad tree aging 100's of year. Our business will be slowly but definitely be shaped like a pipple ( पीपल) or a Bargad ( बरगद) TREE, our business is created for hundreds of years infinitely. Thus we create the flow of an ongoing passive income.

There are certain more business building processes such as 4 Basics, 9 Cores, 3 powers, 6 Cardinal Rules, the prospecting skill of FORM, Objection handling process FFF, etc, etc 

When we understand the above principle, the next goal is to TEACH  this entire business-building process in our Team. 
We have to ask our team members to learn by reading, writing, and by sharing their views on all these subjects viz. ( namely ) 4 Basics, 9 Cores, 3 powers, 6 Cardinal Rules, the prospecting skill of FORM, Objection handling process FFF, etc. Thus we will be marching towards our destination and towards our Goal.

Last but not least DUPLICATION process, this process of Learning and Teaching must be the daily routine of every individual of our teams through PASE MEETINGS and Home meetings physically and Digitally.

When we keep this journey of Learning and Teaching in our team with different leaders, every leader feels the responsibility of learning and teaching, and the Duplication process starts rolling in width and in depth everywhere in our team or everywhere in our organization. 

Let us enjoy the process of LTD in creating a powerful Business team.


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