Thursday, 30 July 2020



If you help enough people achieve their Goal, you achieve your GOAL.

 A goal is a tool for achieving invisible things, intangible things of the future in our life. 
If we want to reach somewhere in the future, that can be done only through goal setting.

People who set goals and work are the people in the champion zone. 
Champion zone is a pressure zone.
Goals create positive pressure in our lives and we develop skill to overcome these challenges.

We should set our priority in our life. When we start this business, it may stand in 3rd or 4th priority. You will be in a habit of giving excuses for every small challenge.
But gradually, it comes to 2nd priority, and then when it comes to your first priority, u become unstoppable. When u make ur business in the first priority, you are in the champion zone. Your focus shifts from excuses to dreams & goals. People start saying you are in the champion zone, u think differently, u speak differently, u are unique. NO body can stop you from going to platinum.


Let me, first of all, discuss the way we should set Goals.

Science means observation. Our observation of small events and situations becomes science for others. It can be followed by the next level of leadership. 

In the Direct Selling Industry, THERE is a simple mechanics of GOAL SETTING. If you help enough people achieve their Goal, you achieve your GOAL.

When you are obsessed with your personal achievements, thinking most of the time about yourself, you have a weak posture. You are worried, about your success. 

In contrast, when u commit yourself to be a giver in the partnership or in a relationship, you are thinking most of the time about your downlines. Designing a game plan and working together with your downline to achieve, their goal is a very powerful posture.
You are more powerful in your Attitude and posture when you are thinking about the success of your downline.

Our Mission & commitment :

Our mission & commitment in this business is to help enough people reach their GOAL. We have to keep planning as a habit about new pins and helping them to reach their goals.

The true success comes in our business when we start achieving our Goal in auto-mode. 
We have to create a powerful army of entrepreneurs, who duplicates the same process and empowers the principle of Goal setting with their leaders consistently.

Maintain Focus on 3%  pin leg wise and Leader Wise  :

As a leader, our focus must be a new 3% pin ( CSI EARNER ) and leaders who can do their 3% in the first week.
We should recognize all such leaders who achieve this goal the first time in our personal meetings.


1. After listing the names of leaders who will do their first week 100 pv with PC orders.
2. After listing the names of Leaders with first week 3% pin and expected new 3% PIN CSI EARNER.

You have to message the goal information to your upline, this is called Accountability.



100 PPV including PC orders.
Leaders Name  
1.                      4.
2.                      5.
( NEW 3% CSI EARNER) Leaders Name
(3% FIRST WEEK ) Leaders Name
Total New Pin : New 6%, New BFI


100 PPV including PC orders.

Leaders Name  
1.                      4.
2.                      5.
( NEW 3% CSI EARNER) Leaders Name
(3% FIRST WEEK ) Leaders Name

Total New Pin: New 6%, New BFI


100 PPV including PC orders.

Leaders Name  
1.                      4.
2.                      5.
( NEW 3% CSI EARNER) Leaders Name
(3% FIRST WEEK ) Leaders Name

Total New Pin: New 6%, New BFI


100 PPV including PC orders.
Leaders Name  
1.                      4.
2.                      5.
( NEW 3% CSI EARNER ) Leaders Name
(3% FIRST WEEK ) Leaders Name

Total New Pin,  New 6%, New BFI

YOU maintain your focus on 3% only, those 3% will be connected in auto mode to 6% and to BFI. 
One BFI means 3 three percent team.

Remember the science of achieving Big Pin is to consistently focus on small pins.
Make it a HABIT of focussing a new 3% pin and 3% in the first week.

You can connect this 3% to the new 6%, and BFI, and BBI. But don't Shift your FOCUS from a 3% pin.



2. ENGAGE ALL THESE NEW 3% leaders IN TEAM PHONE SESSION. Follow the invitation script for A list and C list.

3. Induct them to the Amway corporate presentations on different subjects & events. PROMOTE your personal session on product Demo & Product training OR Business Opportunity  PRESENTATION.


This is the TEST of your leadership. YOU have to explain to them, about the importance of a single person. A single person can be a game changer in our business, this is our BELIEF SYSTEM.
List is our raw material. 
If someone in your team is hesitant of sharing of his or her list, with the fear of expecting a negative reply. 
This is the calculated risk which we have to take. Some body took that risk and so we are in the business today. 

Suppose, Today you share your list to your upline and ...If somebody has a problem with Amway business, and he says why did u give my number to your leader. I am not interested in Amway. 

You have to simply  say sorry to such people. And say, you will not get the second call from our leader. We thought, to tell u about the new changes which company has for new people.
When u say sorry, it keeps ur relationship alive, and u got the opportunity to remove him or her from your list.

But you did not allow some body to steal your dream.

But remember u have to take the risk of inviting people more and more people into the opportunity, even if there is a risk of  NO  to become a multa multa millionaire, you have to take that risk. No risk no gain. Fear is always imaginary, it doesnt have roots. People fear mostly of misinformation.

We have to take initiative to open dialogue with a new person. We can be successful with the right belief system.

IF you don't approach your list, somebody else will put him or her in his LIST and in his TEAM.
If you miss one person, you cannot imagine the LOSS. When one person becomes, platinum and founder platinum, he generates 50,000 leadership commission and minimum 20000 depth commission for his upline.
Can you afford to lose 50,000 leadership commission and 20,000 depth commission ie total 70,000 every month, which your next generation are supposed to get?
Remember, People who are more successful in their Life are having a Team BEHIND them.
Our BELIEF is the TRUE SUCCESS comes with a TEAM.

A person who doesn't have Team has to trade TIME for MONEY.

ALSO tell ur leaders, about A LIST and C LIST.
A LIST is less productive and C LIST is more productive.

Britt Legacy in terms of LIST is that we should create an environment, where a leader can talk to his or her C LIST and produce more Results.



1. What is the science of achieving goals?
2. How can we achieve invisible things stored in the future?
3. What do you understand by the champion zone?
4. What is the priority of our business, when we are in the champion zone?
5. What do you mean by science?
6. What do you understand by a weak posture?
7. What do you understand by strong posture?
8. What is our mission & commitment to this business?
9. What is the true success of our business?
10. What should be our focus as a leader?
11. How can we bring accountability in Goal setting?
12. What is the game plan for achieving a 3% pin for a new person?
13. What should we do if someone is not ready to give his list?
14.If somebody says why did you give my name to your leader, how should u handle it ?
15. What risk should we take to become a multa multa millionaire.
16. Who trades time for money?
17. IF you don't approach your list, what will happen to it?
18. What is the major difference between A list and C list?
19. What is Britt LEGACY in terms of LIST?

Wednesday, 29 July 2020



Let me, first of all, congratulate each one of you, to be the part of today's very very exciting and life-changing Pase meeting.
This is a great honor to speak on this very very powerful platform.
Today my subject is creating customers and converting them into loyal customers.

First of all, we all should understand that we are the part of Brit legacy. We all are the owner of the BRIT  legacy. Bill & Peggy Britt has taught us to build this business with the help of ten customers. Building AMWAY business with 10 loyal customers is a very very important Britt Legacy.

All the businesses small or big, need customers to survive and to grow.
Building our 10 customer base is the very foundation of our business.

In a traditional system, the businessman does investment in the infrastructure, and the customer comes to them. Customers in traditional business are unorganized, they are like a part of a crowd. Today this shop, tomorrow some other shop.
But in the Direct selling business model,  we start this business with a very small investment. Customers in DSI, are a part of a team. There is a feeling of togetherness. It is a highly predictable business with leadership. The direct selling business model provides us a win-win situation.

Building customer into a team builds Loyalty:

Building a list is the start of the journey.

Building your product Testimonial is the foundation. if you are 100% user of AMWAY product, you will have your personal experience. A personal testimonial is the best skill to create a new customer and a loyal customer. Keep sharing your testimonials to new people, whenever u get the opportunity, u will make a strong base of loyal customers. This will bring stability in your business. And it is also important for long term business.
Your personal experience is your Testimonial. you must build your testimonial, your story, How u were introduced to Amway product.

The first objective of Amway business...Getting connected with the customers 

OUR first objective is not to sell the product, our first objective is to get connected with the person.  Our good and positive behavior and our knowledge of the products attract the customers. Your knowledge of the product and your good behavior is the key to build loyal customers.  This is the very foundation of creating loyal customers.

Nobody wants to lose a good friend in their life. So become a good friend and let your friendship becomes an asset to a person,

Solution Oriented Mind Set :

We should be very clear in our mind that customers need a solution to their problems. We have to probe the need of the person by asking relevant questions. once u can spot their problem, it becomes easy to provide them the solution.

Remember, customers, buy a solution to their problems when they buy a product. And we are the solution provider.
Knowledge and skill is the key, to become a solution provider.

Develop the productive habit of building 10 loyal customers on the way to your success journey.

Maintaining the record of your customers will help you controlling your volume.

Write down all the name of your customers who have taken product from you And recall all the name to whom you have given Amway products, and write down their name in your notebook. 

The purpose of noting down the customers name is to give them a timely follow up for repeat orders. 
This habit will make u very very confident and productive for maintaining and creating your volume.

These entire information and knowledge will help you to control your personal volume and help you maintaining the volume of your team.

This is the way you can create a high performance team.



1. Write down the small speech pattern on how to begin your PASE meeting?
2. Who is the owner of the BRIT legacy?
3. What is an important Brit legacy which we have to follow?
4. What does a business need to survive & grow?
5. What is the foundation of our Amway business?
6. How Direct selling business is different from a traditional business?
7. How can you make a strong base of loyal customers?
8. What is our first objective in the Amway business?
9. What do you mean by a solution-oriented mindset?
10. How can you probe the need of your customers?
11. What does a customer buy, when they buy a product?
12. Which is the productive habit to be developed on the way to your success journey ?
13. What is the importance of maintaining the record of your customers ?
14. What planning should we do get repeat order ?
15. How can you create a high performance team ?

Number Makes your Business 100% Predictable


What does it mean?
It means that there is a correlation between ur efforts and results.
If our efforts become measurable, it is easy to predict our results. If we have to measure, we have to keep the record. If we don't write, we cant keep records, if we cant keep records, we become ignorant. And ignorance is darkness.

What is the source of energy for an entrepreneur?

For every entrepreneur, The permanent source of energy is his or her Dream.
All entrepreneur must Define their Dream. Know where u are going to be in the next two to three years. Or 5 to 10 years.
We need to Internalize our Dream. The dream is the permanent source of  ENERGY for Building New ENTREPRENEURS in the team.

If ur dream is obscure, not clear. Small small things may distract you. If ur dream is unclear, u are not going to perform.  This is a great tragedy for any entrepreneur.
People who are not sure about their future,  who do take energy from their dreams, they are underperformers. They perform much below their potential.
We have to develop the power of seeing invisible things in the future.
For great performance, we should always keep the focus on our dream.
If we do not write and visualize our future, we are messing with our life.
Always remember, the power of imagination makes u infinite (powerful).

While counseling with ur upline, if u  talk about subjects like I have to take vegetables from the market, I am busy in my shop or office and sometimes u talk you are busy in completing the children's school HW...You are not serious about your future. You don't value your time and you don't value your upline time. You have to break this middle-class mindset. Counseling time is the time for discussing your dreams & goals and the road map to your goal.
We know and we accept there are challenges and difficulties in every home, We know that you have children and they might be having some studies challenges. But don't make these events as an excuse, do it before time and be ready for your counseling session. But discussing challenges will make you and your attitude weak.  With weak attitude, you cannot complete your goal.
We have to overcome this middle-class mindset and discuss about the new opportunities through which we can reach to our destination.

What is the minimum level of responsibility expected from a leader? You have to define ur minimum level of responsibility. An entrepreneur should be sensible in balancing their household responsibility and business responsibility.  

If u  fail to handle ur household responsibility, with your business responsibility.
It means u have not defined ur business activity. And u have not clearly defined your household activity.

Delegation of responsibility is the key to mega success. You have to delegate your responsibility. Don't try to do everything by yourself.
If you do it yourself, it is very good. 
But you cannot manage all your growing responsibility, by yourself. You have to teach your down line and build them so that they can handle the responsibility in a confident way. If you are not empowering your team, You will confuse yourself, you may feel this business is becoming impossible for me.
When the challenges are overcoming you, you need to develop more skills, people are becoming more successful, by learning new skills.
Diversifying income is a great desire for everybody.
But it is not possible with the idea of trading your time with money. 
In Amway business, we diversify our income by creating an organization of people and leading them to success.

People create an organization so that we can delegate small responsibilities and grow better and bigger.

 If you organize your activity one at a time, u will raise your ability. You will feel more confident, with additional responsibility.  
Your numbers depend upon your relationship. Are you giving partners in building relationships? When you are a giver in a relationship, u have an influence on another person. 

Givers always gain in the relationship. Your influence makes you more productive.
Virtual meetings and Goal setters numbers are the key to bring predictable results. 



1. What is the permanent source of energy for an entrepreneur?
2. How can you know where u are going in your life?
3. What will happen if your dream is obscure?
4. Give an example, when you are not valuing ur and your mentor time.
5. What is the minimum level of responsibility expected from a leader?
6. What is the key to mega-success?
7. When the challenges are overcoming you, what should you do?
8. What is a great desire for everybody?
9. Why do we create an organization in the Amway business?
10. How can we raise our ability?
11. How can we bring predictable results in the Amway business?
12. Who gains in the relationship?

Sunday, 26 July 2020


ड्रीम्स एंड गोल्स से आप क्या समझते है।

 ड्रीम्स हमारे जीवन का ईंधन है, हमारे जीवन का दिशा है, हमारे जीवन की ऊर्जा है, हमारे जीवन की तड़प है, और   ड्रीम्स हमारे भविष्य का नक्शा है। बिना नक्शे के हमारा मकान नही बन सकता, तो हमारा भविष्य कैसे बन सकता है।
जिस तरह दूसरे क्षेत्र में भी हम अपने भविष्य की कल्पना करते है। अगर कोई विद्यार्थी भविष्य में डॉक्टर बनने की कल्पना करता है, तो उसे उस सकरात्मक भावना से हर दिन काम करने की ऊर्जा प्राप्त होती है, और आपको रोज की परेशानियों को सामना करने में तकलीफ नही होती है। 

आप सब कुछ बर्दास्त कर लेते है, क्योंकि आपको पता है जब आपका ये स्ट्रगल खत्म होगा तो उसके बाद आप बहुत ही सम्मानित और आज़ादी का जीवन व्यतीत करने जा रहे है।

गोल्स हमारे छोटे छोटे काम होते है, जिसे हमे रोज करना होता हैं, जिसको पूरा कर के हम अपनी मंज़िल तक पहुच सकते है। 
गोल हमारे बिज़नेस का वो सिद्धान्त है, जिससे हम अपने बिज़नेस में गति पैदा कर सकते है। गोल हमारे बिज़नेस का मल्टीप्लायर है। 
अगर हमें तेजी से आगे बढ़नी है, तो गोल लिख कर काम करने के सिद्धान्त को, अपने अंदर लागू करनी होगी और टीम में जितने ज्यादा लोगो को ये सीखा पाए, उतना बड़ा हमारा व्यक्तित्व होगा, सम्मान होगा और हमारे बिज़नेस पर नियंत्रण होगा।

बड़ी से बड़ी टीम पर नियंत्रण हम गोल सेट कर के काम करने के सिद्धांत से बना सकते है।

हर नए लोगो को 9 कोर के काम करने की आदत बनानी होगी।
पहला गोल की हम ईमानदारी से 100% यूजर बने। एम्वे हमारी कम्पनी है, ये भावना हमारे अंदर पैदा होनी चाहिए। हमारे घर मे एम्वे के अतिरिक्त कोई दूसरा प्रोडक्ट उपयोग हो रहा है, इसका मतलब आप अपने भविष्य के प्रति गम्भीर नही है। 
आप करना कुछ और चाहते है, पर कर कुछ और रहे है, लोग ऐसे व्यक्ति के पीछे नही चलते है। आपके शब्दो और आपके क्रिया में तालमेल होना चाहिए।

जब हम  एम्वे प्रोडक्ट के यूजर बन जाते है, तो हमारे अंदर विश्वास पैदा हो जाता है, प्रोडक्ट को लेकर हमारे अंदर एक फीलिंग एक एहसास पैदा हो जाता है। जब कोई चीज़ आपके दिल मे आ जाती है, तो दूसरों के भी दिल मे भी वो जल्दी पहुच जाती है। 
हमारा अगला गोल,  कितने नए कस्टमर तैयार करनी है, PC गोल, कितने नए लोगो से इनकम प्लान शेयर करना है, STP गोल , हर दिन एक Gurucool सीडी सुन कर हर दिन अपने अंदर पॉजिटिव बदलाव लाने का गोल।
सकारात्मक बदलाव और परिवर्तन हमे गोल सेट करने की आदत से प्राप्त होता हैं .
किताब पढने का गोल, आपके अन्दर बहुत तेजी से बदलाव लाता हैं,  ये आदत आपको महान बना कर रख देगा। 
 दुनिया मे जितने लोग भी सफल हुए है, उन सभी मे एक कॉमन आदत पाई गई है, वे सभी रोज़ किताब पढ़ते थे ।

तत्पश्चात  महत्वपूर्ण गोल, आप अपने वॉल्यूम गोल को अपने upline से शेयर करे । आपका गोल आपका प्लान आपके upline को पता है कि नही । काउंसलिंग  हमेशा गोल पर होती है।
एम्वे बिज़नेस में प्लैटिनम जाने के लिए, हमे लिस्ट गोल पर प्लानिंग करना होगा। हर व्यक्ति को हमारे टीम में ये पता होना चाहिए कि उसे इस महीने कितने नए लोगो से विभिन्न लेग में बात करनी है। 
उसके बाद हमें अपनी लिस्ट को  स्ट्रक्चर में सेट करना होगा। 

स्ट्रक्चर से आप क्या समझते है।

फ्रंट लाइन और डेप्थ को हम स्ट्रक्चर कहते है। 3 लेग या फ्रंट लाइन का स्ट्रक्चर, 6 लेग का फ्रंट लाइन या स्ट्रक्चर, 9 लेग या फ्रंट लाइन का स्ट्रक्चर, 12 फ्रंट लाइन का स्ट्रक्चर। 
उसी तरह हर फ्रंट लाइन को डीप ले जाना हर प्लैटिनम लीडर का गोल होता है। 
फ्रंट लाइन से हमारे बिज़नेस का लाभांश बढ़ता है। डीप जाने से हमारे बिज़नेस की सुरक्षा बढ़ती है। 
स्ट्रक्चर से हम अपने बिज़नेस को बैलेंस करना सीखते है। 
3 लेग और किसी एक लेग में 5 डीप के स्ट्रक्चर से आप BFI जा सकते है।
3 लेग और किसी एक लेग में 10  डीप के स्ट्रक्चर से आप BBI जा सकते है।
3 लेग और किसी एक लेग में 20 डीप के फाउंडर प्लैटिनम से जा सकते है।
3 लेग में 20 डीप के स्ट्रक्चर से आप एमराल्ड जा सकते है।
6 लेग में 20 डीप के स्ट्रक्चर से आप डायमंड जा सकते है।
9 लेग में 20 डीप के स्ट्रक्चर से आप एग्जीक्यूटिव डायमंड जा सकते है।
12 लेग में 20 डीप के स्ट्रक्चर से आप डबल डायमंड जा सकते है।
स्ट्रक्चर का यही नक्शा हमारे दिमाग मे होना चाहिए और ऐसा ही नक्शा हमारे टीम में भी हर उस लीडर के पास होनी चाहिए, जिसे प्लैटिनम जाना हो। 
किसी भी कम को सफलता पूर्वक करने के लिए , रोड मैप या नक्शा बनाना बहुत ज़रूरी होता है। अगर आपको ज़मीन दे दिया जाए, और नक्शा न दिया जाए तो क्या आप मकान बना पाएंगे .... नही। इसी प्रकार BFI से लेकर एमराल्ड तक का नक्शा हमारे दिमाग मे खींचा होना चाहिए।

ज़ूम मीटिंग की संख्या का गोल।
अगर आपके टीम में 10 लोग ज़ूम मीटिंग में बैठ रहे है तो आपका बिज़नेस 9% से 12% के बीच होगा।
अगर 10 से 25 के बीच मे आपकी ज़ूम मीटिंग की संख्या है, तो आपकी सफलता 12-15% के बीच होगी।
अगर आपकी ज़ूम मीटिंग की संख्या 25 से 3
40 के बीच मे है, तो आपकी सफलता 15 से 21% के बीच होगी। और 50 ज़ूम मीटिंग संख्या पहुचते पहुचते आप प्लैटिनम की सफलता अर्जित करने लगेंगे।
इसलिए, हर दिन , आपको अपने लोगो का नाम लिख कर ज़ूम मीटिंग की योजना बनानी चाहिए।
और प्रमोट करने होगा, एक अच्छा प्रमोटर ही एक बड़ा बिज़नेस बना सकता है।

Board in the Bedroom (BIB )

हम अपने रोज के गोल को अपने BIB में लिखने की आदत बनाये। इससे हमारा फोकस हमारे लक्ष्य पर बनाने में मदद करेगा।
एक वाइट बोर्ड हमारे बेड रूम में होना ज़रूरी है।
अपना स्ट्रक्चर, और उसमें भी वो डेप्थ , जहाँ हमे काम करना हो, उसे स्पष्ट लिखा होना चाहिए।
BIB को रोज देखने की आदत बनाये। और खुद से पूछे, ये कैसे हो सकता है। इस तरह हमारा ब्रेन ज्यादा क्षमतावान और परिणाम पैदा करने वाला हो जाएगा।
और आप अपने गोल को पूरा करने का रास्ता खुद निकाल लेंगे।

उम्मीद है, आज मैंने जो अलग अलग पहलू  गोल सेटिंग का रखा है, उससे आपको एक दिशा मिला होगा। 
इन्ही बातों के साथ मैं अपनी बातों पर विराम लगाता हुँ।

मेरी शुभकामनाएं।

Thursday, 23 July 2020



दोस्तो नमस्कार,

मेरा नाम ....... , और आज के वर्चुअल मीटिंग में आप सभी का स्वागत करता हूँ  ।

सबसे पहले मैं ईश्वर को धन्यवाद देता हूं, अपने अपलाइन को धन्यवाद देता हूँ, की आज मुझे बहुत ही स्पेशल गेस्ट को आमंत्रित करने का अवसर प्राप्त हुआ है।

आज की मीटिंग खास इसलिए है क्योंकि हमारे पास कुछ बेहतरीन लीडर्स हैं, जो हमें सफलता के सीक्रेट्स बताने वाले हैं।

⚡ कृपया आप सभी अपने माइक्स म्यूट रखें।
⚡ पूरा सेशन को बहुत ध्यान से सुने और नोट्स बनाएं।
⚡ और सबसे ज़रूरी – इस मीटिंग को एंड तक ज़रूर देखें, क्योंकि आख़िर में आपको बहुत कुछ नया सीखने को मिलेगा!"

आज का दिन हो सकता है आपके जीवन का बहुत ही अच्छा दिन हो। जीवन बदलने वाला अनुभव हो। 

आज हमारे बीच बहुत ही स्पेशल गेस्ट है जो एक बहुत ही सफल व्यक्ति है। उनका समय, उनका ज्ञान , उनका अनुभव सब हम सभी के लिए बहुत महत्यपूर्ण है।

क्या आप तैयार है। 

पेन कॉपी ले कर तैयार हो जाये, ताकि हम अपने लीडर के अनुभव का पूरा पूरा लाभ ले सके।

लेडीज एंड जेंटलमैन, प्लीज हेल्प मी वेलकम आवर ग्रेट लीडर,  Mr ..................


धन्यवाद सर, आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।

आइए ........... सर का जोरदार तालियों से धन्यवाद करें।

मुझे उम्मीद है, दोस्तो मैने आपसे जितना वादा किया था, उससे कही अधिक प्राप्त हुआ होगा।

आप सभी ने बहुत अच्छे ऑडियंस की तरह आज के क्लास का लाभ लिया होगा। मुझे उम्मीद है, आज की जानकारी से आपको आगे बढ़ने में मदद मिलेगा।

आप सभी को बहुत बहुत धन्यावाद। 

आज की मीटिंग यहाँ समाप्त होती है। अगर आपके मन मे कोई सवाल पैदा हुआ हो, हमारे लीडर से आप इसका समाधान प्राप्त कर सकते है।

पुनः, ........ सर को धन्यवाद करते हुए आज का मीटिंग यहाँ समाप्त करता हूं।

आप सभी को बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।


Sunday, 12 July 2020

Hosting in PASE meeting

आज के इस PASE मीटिंग में आप सभी का स्वागत है। वेलकम, वेलकम और वेलकम.

मुझे बहुत खुशी हो रही है, की मेरे मेंटर ने मुझे आज होस्टिंग का अवसर दिया है। 
PASE मीटिंग का अर्थ होता है, प्रोडक्ट एंड सिस्टम एजुकेशन मीटिंग। यानी पेस मीटिंग के माध्यम से टीम में नए नए लीडर पैदा होते है।
इस मीटिंग के माध्यम से लोगो का डर धीरे धीरे विश्वाश में बदलने लगता है। एम्वे बिज़नेस में जो बड़ी बड़ी सफलता आज हम लोग जो देख रहे है, दरअसल सब इस पेस मीटिंग से ही पैदा हुए है।

मैं आपको विश्वाश के साथ कह रहा हूँ , हम लोग भी एक दिन एम्वे की दुनिया मे बहुत बड़ा नाम कमाएंगे और अपने मेंटर, और अपने परिवार का नाम रोशन करेंगे।

आइये , आज के पहले वक्ता की तरफ चलते है, वे बहुत ही अच्छे लीडर है, बहुत ही काबिल व्यक्ति है, और ये एम्वे बिज़नेस के बहुत ही अच्छे विद्यार्थी है, ....
तैयार है आप लोग ...
आइये हम आज के पहले वक्ता का जोरदार डिजिटल तालियों से स्वागत करते है। आप है श्री .....
धन्यवाद सर, जबरदस्त, मज़ा आ गया । बेहतरीन, ईश्वर ने आपको बहुत ही स्पेशल टैलेंट दिया है। बहुत आगे जाएगे  आप एम्वे बिज़नेस में।
बहुत ही अच्छे तरीके से आपने अपनी बात रखी, मुझे उम्मीद है, आप सभी को इनके अनुभव से लाभ मिला होगा।
आपका पुनः बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद सर।

अब हम अगले वक्ता की ओर चलते है, आप ...............       ( बिलासपुर के पास कुकदा गांव में रहते है ) । 
आप उभरते हुए सितारे है, एम्वे की दुनिया मे। 
इनका स्वभाव बहुत अच्छा है, बहुत ही मिलनसार है, मेहनती है, और आप एम्वे बिज़नेस के बहुत अच्छे विद्यार्थी है।

तैयार है आप लोग ... (यस )

आइये सर का स्वागत हम ज़ोरदार डिजिटल तालियों से स्वागत करें।

आप है श्री ......

. इसी तरह प्रंशसा कर के हर लीडर का हिम्मत और सेल्फ इमेज बढ़ाना है ।
अब हम अपने मेंटर मैसेज की तरफ चलते है।
जब किसी काम मे गुरु उपलब्ध होता है, तो घबराने की कोई आवश्यकता नही होती । 
हमारी सफलता 100% सुनिश्चित हो जाती है।
आइये हम अपने मेंटर को आमंत्रित करने से पहले, उनका स्वागत डिजिटल तालियों से करें। आप है श्री .......
वेलकम सर, वेलकम।

धन्यावाद सर, आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।
बहुत ही पावरफुल मैसेज हम सभी को आज मिला है।
उम्मीद है, सर के बताए हुई बातों पर हम सब पूरा पूरा पालन करेंगे और सफलता की नई उच्चाइयाँ प्राप्त करेंगे।

आप सभी बहुत ही अच्छे श्रोता थे। 
आप सभी को आज के PASE मीटिंग का पार्ट बनने के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। 
 आप सभी इसी तरह हर PASE मीटिंग का हिस्सा बनते रहे और नए नए लोगो को लाते रहे, ताकि हम बहुत सारे लोगो की जिंदगी बदलने में मदद कर सकें।

आज की मीटिंग यहाँ समाप्त होती है। 

आप सभी को मेरी शुभकामनाये। 

Friday, 10 July 2020



Amway Business opportunity is a business that is available for ordinary people who can transform their Lives and help many other people transform their Lives..

We are a social being. We have friends, we have a society and we all have our basics needs. Amway has different baskets of products to fulfill our basics and specific needs.
We all have the opportunity to become a regular customer of Amway products and help other people to become regular consumer of Amway products.

We all have our social circle. And they have their daily needs and some specific health needs. 
And we have the opportunity to fill the gap.

Promote Amway Products in your social circle.
Amway products are hygienic products and have no side effects on our bodies and in our environment.

What is the Benefit of using Amway product ?

Amway products are hygienic product. They give us good hygiene or good health.

We have an opportunity to share profits with the company's total turnover. 
So we have to work smartly. Building Amway business is everybody's choice. 
Some build it and some don't. It is your choice. 

But let us understand how company's share it's 60% opportunity behind every product.

Direct Discount 10%
Trade Discount 8% 
CSI 5%
Performance incentive 3 to 21%
Leadership commission 6 to 9%
Ruby commission 2%
Depth commission 1%

Monthly incentive 
PGGI 10 - 40%
FGI 10 - 45%

Commissions are earned through sales of Amway products. No sales, No commission, this is the thumb rule of every business and Amway business too.

Unlimited Expansion opportunity :

YOU can sponsor people as a Distributor known as ADSP, ( Amway Direct Seller Partner) and PC ( Preferred customer )
Your Business volume is the total business volume of every individual ( ADSP and PC ) in your team. 
Sales criteria for your monthly income, we must have minimum 3 PC ( Preferred customers) order for monthly income. 
All ADSP must have Rs 10000 volume through their PCs in a Fiscal year. If u miss this goal, your status of ADSP will be converted to PCs.

Income calculation 
You make commissions in two ways :
First  on your personal volume, your PC volume ( 8% trade discount & 5 % CSI)
And SECOND on the volume of entire  ADSP in your team. ( Differential Income ). For calculation visit other Blog.


Amway business leadership is supported by a unique company GURUCOOL . Everything is online. The video and audio tools are available  for products and Leadership.

Amway Business opportunity has many unique features. It is a business model without a BOSS but with a Mentor and mentorship program.
You can start this business absolutely without money. You can learn people behaviour and how  people make decisions. There is experienced team to guide our behaviour to create a team and guide them to success. 
This business can be performed in our flexible time. It can be done part-time. There is unlimited income growth opportunity. There is unlimited Expansion opportunity, there is no boundary, no limitation.  You can create unlimited growth with your Dream and People.

NO specific education needed to build this business. Whatever education you have or u are without school and college education. You can be the part of this Business opportunity for building your career or building your Future. No government formalities needed to start this business. Everything is approved. 

It is a family business. Husband wife children, everybody is excited to build this business TOGETHER. We can have FOREIGN TRIPS every year. We have the opportunity to become national and international speakers, influencing and impacting the lives of thousands and thousands of PEOPLE outside.

Amway business can be performed through VIRTUAL platform. 
Meeting available online through links on your mobile, tablet, computer is called Virtual Meetings. These meetings are very very powerful and effective. These meeting are the mega trend of modern business and economies. 
Virtual meetings are very very cost-effective and productive.
This business is specially designed for Ladies. 
LADIES are especially very very strong with their mind and are great visionaries. They can build this business from home, without much investment. This business is home based business.
They can use their skills and invite them to virtual meetings and introduce them to various training programs conducted by AMWAY CORPORATION and their LOS Leaders.

Amway business has become a DIGITAL PLATFORM business.
ALL THE PROCESS OF AMWAY BUSINESS CAN BE PERFORMED THROUGH MOBILE ONLINE. Joining, Ordering, through OTP,  Online product training and Monitoring your  Business team and helping your team by monitoring LOS ( LINE OF SPONSORSHIP) and many more things available online. 


1. What is Amway Business opportunity?  
2. What is special about Amway Business?
3. Why should we promote the Amway product in our Social Circle?
4. How do we generate income from Amway Business?
5. How can we expand our Amway business?
6. What is the difference between PC and ADSP?
7. What are the sales criteria of an ADSP?
8. What are the different commissions in Amway?
9. What is special about Amway Business?
10. What do you understand about the Mentorship program and a mentor in AMWAY Business?
11. What do you understand by Virtual Meetings?
12. What do you understand when we say Amway business is a digital platform?