As we embark on transformative journey, Transformative story, Personal growth, Goals, Envision the path of success, unique journey unfold,
The challenge,
The Turning point,
Power love and self Discipline
The Learning,
Conclusion, ...Become a pro and money will flow.
Dear friends, I am waqar Afzal , working as a health advisor, in Nutrilite. I am educating people to prevent themselves from serious lifestyle disorders and diseases by changing their lifestyle. Regular exercise, positive mental attitude, adequate rest and balanced diet is the key to great health.
Great health is our great assets. I am going to share with u all, the wisdom of great health in an unfriendly envirionment.
We should have passion towards learning new skills.
And achieving wisdom by meeting new people and interacting with them.
The path of success is the journey of personal growth. A journey of overcoming challenges and reviewing our weaknesses and converting them into our Strength by consistent practise. The Transformative journey is thrilling and testing and full of examination.
We may at time get confused in the success journey and deter ourself with a great honour success. Testing time is a examination time, Everybody has to undergo such situation in the success journey.
Our life goal should be crystal clear, the rewards , the personal growth, the social status , the financial success , Responsibility of leading a energetic team, giving them hope & direction , overcoming challenges , giving directions to the team are the key ingredient of a Dynamic leader.
The path of success is the path of responsibility . We should learn the skill of accepting and handling small small responsibilities. Bigger the responsibility, Bigger the success. Small responsibility small success. No responsibility leads us to mediocrity. Success zone is a responsibilty zone.
Everybody has a turning point in a successful career. A Turning point is a point of overcoming challenges and doubts to embark the journey of success or the journey of hurdles.
The basic nature of a person is to love people, overlooking their weaknesses and shortcomings. People do not change instantly but in due course in a journey.
A leader must be self Discipline, it develops faith and creates pull force. A positive habit creates attraction and is a glue.
The self learning process is through association of great people, great books or great audio programs, great seminar . We should be open to great ideas, great books, great people. Learning is a continuous process so as success.
Success is a journey. Every successful leader is in a state of journey. Books, audio video program live seminar , we have opportunities all around us to learn and grow. We can combat all the negative forces through positive mindset.
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