Saturday, 7 March 2020

List हमारे बिज़नेस का रॉ मटेरियल


लिस्ट हमारे बिज़नेस का रॉ मटेरियल है। 
रॉ मटेरियल का अर्थ कच्चा माल। बिना कच्चा माल के आप अपने प्रोडक्ट तैयार नही कर पाएंगे। 

मकान प्रोडक्ट है, तो ईटा , सीमेंट, बालू, छड़ मकान बनाने का रॉ मटेरियल है।
पराठा हमारा प्रोडक्ट है, तो आटा, घी , नमक हमारा रॉ मटेरियल है।

अगर हमारे पास लिस्ट है तो हमारे पास स्ट्रक्चर होगा , बिना लिस्ट के हम अपने बिज़नेस के स्ट्रक्चर का निर्माण ही नहीं कर पाएंगे। 
स्ट्रक्चर हमे नए  सेल्स टीम तैयार करने में मदद करता है। जब हम किसी गोले की चार रेखा खींचते है, और चार नए गोले तैयार करते है, तो हमारे लिए हर गोला एक नए सेल्स टीम का लीडर होता है।

अगर हमारे पास स्ट्रक्चर है तो हमारे पास काम करने के लिए नई नई जगह होगी, अगर स्ट्रक्चर है तो फिर गोल सेटिंग होगा, अगर गोल होगा तो फिर CSI, BFI, BBI , SILVER, PLATINUM सब  होगा। फिर उनका गोल सेटिंग होगा , फिर उनके साथ और बड़े परिणाम होगा , नई नई सफलता  प्राप्त होगा। नए नए लीडर को सम्मान दिया जायेगा।  

पर इस पुर माहौल की शुरुआत लिस्ट  से ही होगी।  जितना अधिक हम लिस्ट पर बात करेंगे  , उतने अच्छे अच्छे लोग को हम अपने बिज़नेस में आकर्षित कर पाते है।
जितना बड़ी  लिस्ट हमारी होगी, उतनी बड़ी सफलता होगी। 
इसलिए हमे सबसे पहले अपने एक बड़ी लिस्ट बनाने की तैयारी कर ले।  

लिस्ट 3 प्रकार का होता है :

ड्रीम लिस्ट, 
ऑब्जेक्शन लिस्ट 
PEOPLE  लिस्ट
ड्रीम लिस्ट :  ( ड्रीम लिस्ट या ड्रीम बुक हमारे बिज़नेस में क्यों ज़रूरी होता है )

पारम्परिक बिज़नेस को करने के लिए हम लोन लेते है, या कुछ पार्टनर्स पैसे निवेश कर के काम शुरू करते है , तो लोन चुकाने का दबाव हमारे ऊपर बनता है पर क्योंकि हमारे बिज़नेस में कोई बड़ा निवेश नहीं होता है, इसलिए किसी प्रकार का कोई दबाव नहीं होता है। इसलिए हमे हर दिन की ऊर्जा हमारे सपने से ही प्राप्त होती है।  
अगर सपना कमज़ोर होता है तो एक व्यक्ति को बहुत सारी दिक्कते दिखनी शुरू हो जाती है। 
जब हमारा  सपना मज़बूत होता है, हमारे सपने में दम होता है, तो हमे रोजमर्रा के काम की ऊर्जा हमारे सपने से ही मिलती है। 

हम समस्या नहीं देखते पर समाधान ढूंढने लगते है।  दो प्रकार के लोग आपको मिलेंगे , ज्यादतर लोग हर काम में समस्या देखने लग जाते है, दुसरो में कमिया ढूंढने में उन्हें पीएचडी प्राप्त होती है।  
हर चीज़ में समस्या , ये काम क्यों नहीं करना चाहिए , आपको उनसे जवाब मिल जायेगा।  
पर कुछ लोग ऐसे होते है , वे लोग संख्या में कम होते है वो आपको बतायेगे की ये काम आपको क्यों करना चाहिए।  
उनको हर लोगो में उनकी भविष्य की क्षमता नज़र आती है। 

ड्रीम लिस्ट या ड्रीम बुक में अपने भविष्य के पिक्चर लगाने से हमे अपनी क्षमता बढ़ाने में मदद मिलता है। आप की सफलता की यात्रा तभी  शुरू होती है जब हम अपना ड्रीम लिस्ट या ड्रीम बुक तैयार कर लेते है। 

हमे अपना ड्रीम को सबसे पहले लिखना ज़रूरी है।  हमारा ड्रीम हमे रोज की ऊर्जा प्रदान करता है।  जिस प्रकार गाड़ी के इंजन के लिए पेट्रोल या डीज़ल होता है, उसी प्रकार हमारे ब्रेन का फ्यूल हमारे ब्रेन में ऊर्जा ड्रीम्स एंड गोल्स  से पैदा  होता है।
ऑब्जेक्शन लिस्ट : अगर कोई सवाल एमवे को लेकर मन में पहले से बना हुआ है, तो उसे लिख ले,अपने मेंटर के सामने रखने से आपका दिमाग पुरे तरिके से साफ हो जायेगा। दिमाग का फितूर, दिमाग में गलतफहमी, सब बाहर हो जायेगा और पुरे एकाग्रता के साथ , पुरे विश्वास के साथ काम करने में सफलता की उम्मीद बढ़ जाती है।  अगर किसी के मन में कुछ भी एमवे बिज़नेस को लेकर है , उसे लिख ले। 
PEOPLE  लिस्ट : लोगो का लिस्ट , लिस्ट तीन प्रकार का होता है। A लिस्ट, B लिस्ट, और C लिस्ट। लिस्ट  हमेशा रिटेन होना चाहिए लिखा हुआ होना चाहिए। अलग से एक डायरी या रजिस्टर बना ले , और अपनी लिस्ट तैयार करे।
प्रॉफेशनल तरीके से.. 1 पेज को 3 भाग में बाट ले और इसमें केवल 3 नाम लिखे
पूरे विवरण के साथ। उनका काम, उनके परिवार, का भी विवरण लिखे।
A लिस्ट हम उन्हें कहते है जो हमारे जान पहचान के होते है।  जैसे हमारे FNR , फ्रेंड्स, नेबर (पड़ोसी)  और रिस्तेदार। 
ये लिस्ट हमारे नज़दीकी लोग होते है इसलिए बहुत बड़ा बिज़नेस हमे अपने FNR से मिलने के उम्मीद नहीं करनी चाहिए।
A लिस्ट  में  कुछ लोग आपके समर्थन में खड़े हो सकते है , और कुछ लोग आपके विरोध में खड़े हो जाते है।  क्योंकि आपने कोई नया काम की शरुआत की है , वो आपकी परीक्षा लेंगे। सामन्य रूप से A लिस्ट के लोग आपके सामने ज़्यादा सवाल करेंगे , आपको माइंड से मज़बूत बना देंगे।हम A लिस्ट को प्रैक्टिस पिच कहते है, हमारा फोकस इन पर अभ्यास का होना चाहिए , A लिस्ट सामन्य रूप से बंजर होती है, इस लिस्ट में काम करते समय आपको भावनात्मक नहीं होना चाहिए।  आपकी भावना आपके सपने से जुडी होना चाहिए। दुनिया के किसी बिज़नेस की सफलता उनके  A लिस्ट पर निर्भर नहीं होती है।

बिज़नेस की शुरुआत हम सभी को A लिस्ट से ही करनी है । 
A  लिस्ट  से आपको  शुरुआती सपोर्ट अवश्य मिल सकता है ,  पर बड़ी सफलता के लिए पुरे तरीके से उन पर निर्भर होना , सही नहीं है।  
अपनी सीमा में रहते हुए आपको वो सपोर्ट कर  सकते है। ये लिस्ट आपको तंग भी करते है। क्योंकि वो आपको और आपकी कमज़ोरी को जानते है। इसलिए वे आपके बारे में बहुत बड़ा या बहुत अच्छा सोच नहीं पाते , फिर आपकी सफलता से उन्हें कुछ प्राप्त होना नहीं है, इसलिए वे चाहते है की आप किसी नए काम में न पड़ो। 

वो ये मानते है की आप इस व्यपार को नहीं कर पाएंगे क्योंकि टीम बनाना आपके बस की बात नहीं है। आप कुछ दिन काम कर के वापस हो जायेगे , इसलिए इस बिज़नेस में समय लगाना मतलब समय खराब करना है।  हा, वैसे लोगो  को अच्छे प्रोडक्ट उपयोग करने से कोई परहेज नहीं।  वैसे लोगो को आप कस्टमर के रूप में ही रहने दे। जब उनका हृदय परिवर्तन होता है , तब हम उन्हें पार्टनर बना कर काम कर सकते है।  

लिस्ट : लिस्ट हम उन्हें कहते है जो प्रोफेशनल्स होते है।  जैसे डॉक्टर्स, वकील, चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट , आर्किटेक्चर , और अन्य।  बी लिस्ट में अक्सर लोग अपने काम में पुरे तरीके  से  उलझे रहते है , पुरे तरीके से अपने कार्य में लिप्त होते है,  इसलिए इन्हे कुछ दूसरा सोचने का फुर्सत ही नहीं होता है।  आप बी लिस्ट में टाइम फ्रीडम से या लिगेसी इनकम से माइंड  सेट कर के उनका ध्यान अपनी तरफ आकर्षित कर सकते है।बी लिस्ट का मोटिवेशन   पैसे   से ज्यादा   समय  की आज़ादी  होता है, पीढ़ियों की आर्थिक सुरक्षा होगा।  इसलिए उनसे सवाल पूछने का नज़रिया कुछ इसी तरह होना चाहिए।

C लिस्ट :  ये लिस्ट हमारी ऐसी दुनिया होती है जिससे आज हम अपरिचित होते है। पर धीरे धीरे एक नियम के तहत हम अपरिचित लोगो को अपने परिचय में ले आते है।
UNKNOWN TERRITORY को हम अपना बना लेते है।  अपरिचित लोग, अपरिचित दुनिया हमे अपना परिवार नज़र आने लगता है। 
आपके बिज़नेस की शुरुआत A लिस्ट से अक्सर होती  है पर बिज़नेस की सफलता हमेशा से दुनिया में , C  लिस्ट से आती है। C  लिस्ट की जमीन उपजाऊ होती है।  
आपको बस अपने C  लिस्ट को किस तरह हैंडल करे,  सीखना होता है। इसलिए एमवे बिज़नेस में आपको C लिस्ट को इकठ्ठा करने की कला सीखना होता है।

C लिस्ट में पूरी दुनिया समा जाती है।  हम कई तरीके से अपरिचित लोगो को अपने परिचय में ला सकते है , जैसे हमारे टीम में जो लोग है उनका लिस्ट लेना शुरू करे , ये आपका अपरिचित लिस्ट ही होगा , मतलब C लिस्ट होगा।  आपको अपने C लिस्ट में बात करने का स्किल सीखना होगा , क्योंकि आप रिफरेन्स दे कर बात कर के अपने C लिस्ट को अपने परिचय में ला सकते है। C लिस्ट को हम अपना A लिस्ट बनाना सीखना होगा।  C लिस्ट बहुत ही उपजाऊ होता है, फलदायक होता है , जरखेज होता है। हमे केवल अपने अंदर हिम्मत पैदा करना है , ताकि हम C लिस्ट में फ़ोन कर के उनको अपना A लिस्ट यानि अपने परिचय में ला सके।   
हम C लिस्ट को इस तरह भी प्राप्त कर सकते है,  जैसे स्कूल में , कॉलेज में , गार्डन में , बैंक में , या धार्मिक स्थल में , या बाजार में , खेल के मैदान में, किसी फंक्शन में , जैसे बर्थडे पार्टी, शादी वगैरह वगैरह।  
बस हमरा फोकस होना चाहिए की हम अपना C लिस्ट के माध्यम से अपने बिज़नेस का विस्तार हम भारत के हर जिले और हर जिले के हर शहर और हर गांव तक कर  सकते है।  हमे केवल हर दिन किसी न किसी को अपने टीम में इस तरह से माइंड सेट करना है।  हम इस बिज़नेस में डुप्लीकेशन से यानि कार्य के दोहरीकरण से विशाल टीम या नेट वर्क बना सकते है। 

आप सभी को मुझे ध्यान से सुनने के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। 

मेरी शुभकामनाये। 

अब रुकना नही हैं।

सवाल : ( इन सवालों का जवाब लिख कर अपना नोट्स तैयार कर ले )

1. लिस्ट हमारे बिज़नेस का क्या कहलाता  है।  उदहारण दे कर समझाये । 
2. लिस्ट और स्ट्रक्चर में क्या सम्बन्ध होता है।
3. जब हम किसी गोले के नीच चार रेखा खींचते है तो इसे क्या कहते है। 
4. हमारे लिए हर गोला एक नए सेल्स टीम का लीडर होता है, इसका क्या तातपर्य है।
5. हम अपने बिज़नेस टीम में नए नए सेल्स टीम किस तरह तैयार कर सकते है। 
6. स्ट्रक्चर और गोल में  क्या सम्बन्ध होता है। 
7. लिस्ट पर हमे अधिक बात क्यों करनी चाहिए। 
8. लिस्ट कितने प्रकार की होती है।
9. ड्रीम लिस्ट या ड्रीम बुक हमारे बिज़नेस में क्यों ज़रूरी होता है। 
10. ऑब्जेक्शन लिस्ट से आप क्या समझते है। 
11. पीपुल लिस्ट कितने प्रकार की होती है।  
12. A लिस्ट हम किसे कहते है।  
13. B लिस्ट हम किसे कहते है। 
14. C लिस्ट से आप क्या समझते है। 
15. हमे बड़ा बिज़नेस करना है तो हमे किस लिस्ट में फोकस करना चाहिए। 

Friday, 6 March 2020

ADS vocabulary & Daily routine practice

Verb 3 forms

Do Did Done, stand stood stood, tell told told,
Think thought thought, win won won,  
sell sold sold, meet met met, lose lost lost, leave left left, keep kept kept, have had had, hear heard heard, feel felt felt, catch caught caught, bring brought brought, build built built, 

buy bought bought, beat beat beaten, come came come, run ran run, become became become, speak spoke spoken , see saw seen, rise rose risen, show showed shown, sing sang sung, sink sank sunk, steal stole stolen, swim swam swum, tear tore torn, wear wore worn, 

put put put , read read read, hit hit hit, cut cut cut, bet bet bet, shut shut shut, Bind Bound Bound, Drink Drank Drunk, Get Got Got
Grow grew grown,Write wrote written
Shrink shrank shrunk, Strike struck struck
Melt melted melted, Find found found
Hang (लटकाना) hung,  hung, 
Hang(फाँसी देना) hanged hanged, Lie (लेटना) lay lain, Lie (झुटबोलना) lied lied , 

Rise Rose Risen, Raise (उठाना) raised raised
Allow allowed allowed, Amaze amazed amazed, Amuse amused amused, Enjoy enjoyed enjoyed, Arrive arrived arrived,
Laugh laughed laughed, Work worked worked 
Deny denied denied ,Advice adviced adviced
Die died died,Use used used,Abuse abused abused, Try tried tried, Cry cried cried
Fry fried fried, Marry married married
Dry dried dried, Fly flew flown, Throw threw thrown, Drop dropped dropped, Stop stopped stopped

Opposite ( Antonym )
Good - Bad, Happy - unhappy, Fast -  slow
Strong - Weak , Sweet - Bitter, Deep - shallow
Gentle - strict, Success - Failure, Close - open
Small - Big, Give - take , Silent - Noisy
Shout - Whisper, Sharp - blunt, Sit - stand
Teach - Learn, 
Supporter - opponent, Tall - small
Unity - Division, Town - village, Top - Bottom
Thin - Thick, Add - Subtract, Stupid - clever
Start - Stop, Stand - sit, South - North
Up - down, Sun - moon, Solid - Liquid
Single -Married, Smooth - rough, Son - daughter
Sometime - Often, Master - servant,
Sick - Healthy, Useful - Useless
Teacher - Student, pupil , Under - over
Urban - Rural, Tiny - giant, Tight - loose
Throw - Catch, Terrible - Lovely, There - Here
Sunny - Cloudy, Boring - Exciting, Borrow - Lend
Long - short, Rise - Sink, Soft - Hard
Solid - liquid, Intelligent - Foolish, stupid
Summer - Winter, Active - inactive, smart - stupid, Beautiful - ugly, Fat - Thin, Friendly - unfriendly, 

                         Synonyms /antonyms

Desserts = Sweets, 
Long - prolonged, short
Magnify - enlarge, minimise or reduce
Maximum - highest × minimum
Migrant - immigrants × immovable
Minor - small × major
Negligent - irresponsible,× responsible
Nice - pleasant, × unpleasant
Numerous - many, × few
Oblivious - unaware, × aware
Offend - upset, × delight
Optimistic - positive, × pessimistic
Ordinary - usual, × unusual
Outstanding - excellent, ×  insignificant
Huge - big, × tiny
Humiliate - mortify, × honour
Idle - lazy, × busy
Immature - childish, × mature
Impartial - neutral, × prejudice
Imperative - important, × unnecessary
Independent - free, × dependent
Insane - mad, × sane
Intelligent - clever, × ignorant
Internal - interior, × external
Irrelevant - immaterial, × relevant
Join - connect, × separate
Keep - remain, × discard
Large - big, × small
Least - smallest, ×  most

Fabulous - marvelous
Face - meet
Fair - honest
Fake - false
Fancy - elaborate
Fantastic - incredible
Fat - chubby
Fatal - deadly
Mortal - subject to death
Immortal - who cannot die
Fatigue - Tire
Feasible - possible
Feeble - weak
Ferocious - fierce
Fertile - fruitful
Fiction - untruth, fantasy
Fill - load, fix
Flaw - defect
Flimsy - frail
Foe - enemy
Adversely - opponent
Flude - liquid
Follow - succeed
Forbid - prohibit 
Forgive - pardon
Former - precious
Fraction - segment
Frank - candid
Fresh - new
Friend - comrade, buddy

Occur - happen
Old - ancient
Opportunity- chance
Beautiful - pretty
Peaceful - quite
Reject - deny
Rest - relax
Rich - wealthy
Coarse - rough
Sad -  unhappy
Rug - carpet
Scared- afraid
Ask - enquire
Blend - mix 
Sick - Ill
Smart - clever
Taxi -cab
Trust - believe
Unfortunate - unlucky
Wrong - incorrect
Enjoyable - festive
Accomplished - completed
Earned- received
Astonishing - superb
Glorious - terrific
Agreeable - courteous

                         Daily Routine ( Past ) 

In the beginning, I want to thank God for all his blessings , he has bestowed upon me and my family. I also thank my upline for all his Love and care.

Today I am going to speak about my daily routine. Yesterday, I got up early in the morning, at 6 AM. I took a tablet of Nutrilite Tulsi . I drank a glass of water and went to washroom. After that I offered prayer.

And then I went to walk on the terrace. During walk, I listened to BWW CD. I did some free hand exercise. After one hour I came down and had a glass of protein drink. And thereafter took bath.

After that, I took my breakfast, and my nutrilite supplement. I took one daily tablet, one calcium tablet, and one Nat C tablet. After that, I started my business activity. I sent 20 BWW link to my  downlines in different team and  few video links to my new candidate. 

I had morning counselling sessions, with my Core leader. I talked to them about first week volume goal. I trained one ADS the ordering process and completed his ordering through zoom share screen . I also helped one ADS to transfer BWW link to the prospect candidate.

After that at 11.30 AM there was a zoom meeting for grooming leaders. I watched my leaders performance on zoom meeting. It was a great feeling to watch them. I was very very excited about their personal growth.
I gave my message regarding the importance of having goals in our life and how to bring our business growth through Goal setting habit. 
I talked about daily goal, weekly goal, monthly goal,  long term goal and our Life time goal. And how they are integrated. If u miss ur daily goal, it will impact your weekly, monthly, long-term and your life goal. 
I talked to them time is a limited resource, and how we can create unlimited success through limited time resource.

After that, I took my lunch and took rest for a while. And then I watched the ladies zoom meeting conducted by Asiya Madam.
It was amazing. Awesome. 
It was another great feeling seeing all our lady tycoons growing. Amazing.

In the evening, there was another Gen Y zoom meeting. I was extremely happy to see every body working so hard and making their dream book. Awesome.
I have started believing these leaders have added more responsibility . And I have started listening more and more BWW leaders to broaden my vision. I listen three CDs on daily basis.

After that I had my dinner. I took one omega 3, one cal mag D tablet, one natural C as food supplement. And then I had counselling sessions with my core leaders. And around 11.30 pm i offered prayer and went to bed.

          Routine in future tense 

Thursday, 5 March 2020

ENGLISH reading and writing practice 2

Make interrogative sentences  :

Why, What, where, when, Who, Whose, Which
Is, Are, Was, Have, Has, Had, Will , Shall, would, should, ...

Why did you miss your goal ?
Why are you building Amway business ?
Why are you going to Bilaspur ?
Why do you go to seminar ?
Why have you eaten my food ?

What is your Dream ?
What is your goal in Amway Business ?
What do you get in BWW seminar ?
What will you get listening to CDs ?
What have you achieved in Amway business in 5 years ?

Where do you go every Saturday ?
Where did you go yesterday night ?
Where is your home ?
Where is the venue for  Bilaspur meeting ?
Where has he gone, for picnic ?

When is your marriage anniversary ?
When will u complete your BFI ?
When did he go to varanasi ?
When will he return from Varanasi ?
When will you complete your 50 numbers in 4 legs to BBS ?

Who is your upline mentor ?
Who did you show plan last week ?
Who all will be CSI earners in your team ?
Who did u call for weekly open promotion ?
Who will be the first platinum in your team ?

Whose goal register is this ?
Whose book is this ?
Whose cell is ringing ?
Whose next BBS number will touch 15 ?
Whose downline is he ?

Which is your dream book ?
Which  is your car ?
Which way to go for restaurant ?
Which is your favourite shoe brand ?
Which speaker you want to listen on CD?

Is he learning STP ? Is she coming to meeting ?
Is he still complaining ? 
Is he ready with his Health plan ?
Is he fired up for bigger achievement ?
Is she having good relation with her husband ?

Are they ready for family reunion ?
Are they coming to cover dish ?
Are you coming to BBS ?
Are you coming with 3 legs to BBS ?
Are you having compatible relationship with your upline ?

.......HW to make 5 more such sentences .....

Reading practice :

Leadership talk :

Our business provides great opportunity for personal change. We all want to become a better person . We are all different and we are all unique. We are all having very very special talent. This is a great blessings of God. 

We have to be a source of inspiration, a source of aspiration, a source of motivation to thousands and thousands of people. And to become a ray of hope, to people , is a great responsibility. People have respect for Accountable person. 

Personal Change is a mind set.
We all have to draw images and pictures of future. Our future must be visible in pictures and images. Before becoming a multa multa millionaire, what are the changes u see in yourself. If u cannot see the areas of personal change, u cannot overcome the challenges. 
There is no age barrier for learning. 
You should know where u will be after two years or after five years. 
This is very very important. This will ignite your passion. Also, we should have a very very strong purpose of life.
When we want to impact the society in a great way , in a powerful way , we should believe in the principle of giving. 
The secret of living is giving.
The more we give, the more we get. 
We have a strong belief that ... Givers gain.

The best way of communication is to ask question and listen. Listening is respecting. When u listen to people what they say, they restore faith in you, they trust you. They start admiring you. When they respect you as a person, they start respecting you and in the process, they come closer to your philosophy, and your ideology.

Good preparation is half success. Prepare your question first . Don't have a casual approach towards  people. People don't love casual people. People don't respect people having casual approach towards life. They love professional people. Professional people have respect for their own time and the time of other people. They are very fair in dealing with the money matter . They value other people money. They don't disrespect the value system of other people. They don't disrespect the religious belief of other people. Your value system in totality gives a reflection of your professionalism.

Next, is the appreciation. Appreciation is the key to extract the potential of a person. You need to see the brighter side of a personality in a person. Everybody on this planet is born with some strength and some weaknesses. We should accept this truth. We should recognise and value this. 
Now as a leader, when u are highlighting the weaknesses of a person, he may be disappointed, dejected and depressed .  And You cannot expect miracle from a depressed, dejected and a disappointed person.
Highlight the positive or the strength of a person and give him the hope , the person he can become in the future.
 When u develop the ability of seeing something good in a person, he will automatically be in  submission  to your mission and your organisation. This is where people need to grow.

Never argue with people. Argument is the worst people skill. When two people argue, both are the losers. Both are defeated. Both are depressed. No body wins the argument. 
They lose their talking terms. They lose their friendship. They lose their loyalty.
Trust me Argument is the worst people skill. Never enter into argument. If your talk , start shaping into argument, you divert the talk, and maintain silence on the matter.

Learn to agree with people. It may not appear to be true always. But agreeing with people helps u build relationship and friendship. Help u deepen relationship. People come close to a person who is agreeable. 
So, learn to agree with people.

Secret of Super achievers :

Super achievers are people who comit to learn and grow for their entire life. They believe , There is no age limit for learning. People from cradle to coffin are in a learning state of mind.
They push their boundaries and limits to become a better person not only in developing understanding, knowledge and wisdom but in developing character, attitudes and endurance. 
They move out of their personal comfort zone and lead the chase for personal change. They realise Success is a inside - out journey. The secret of success is inside you. But most of the people are chasing success outside. Success is all about internal change. Success is all about attracting people not chasing people.
This is very very unique and very very special . 

Super achievers belief " Don't find faults, but  find remedy". Never be a part of problem, Always be a part of solution.
  Success is a journey ( यात्रा )not a destination ( मंजिल ). They always create a win win situation for people. They never make other people let down or defeated. 
They make other people feel important and winner. They believe in becoming a better person. They believe in becoming a role model. They belief in building people. They believe in empowering people, they believe in educating people, they believe in building the roots for success. 
 They don't fear people . They develop a sense of humour. They derive pleasure in what they do. They strongly  believe success is a process of change from inside out. If u bring all the internal  changes required for success, success will happen in a natural way. 

Success is not a journey of stress and tension. It is a journey of fun and pleasure. When learning becomes fun for u, you are a super achiever. Super achievers constantly and consistently put their effort to move beyond mediocrity and push their limits to excel.
They are in a champion zone. They are fearless. Nothing distract their focus. 
They develop a vision of laser focus. 
They are in a habit of looking at the brighter side of a personality. They are a good listener. They prepare their questions before meeting people. They provide solution to the problems of the people. 
They develop the potential of a person through appreciation. They have a focussed mind.  When super achievers are surrounded by challenges, they feel they have more opportunity to learn. These super achievers are thankful for small small blessings. When we are thankful for small small happiness , small small blessings, we are blessed with bigger blessings, bigger happiness in our life, bigger success.

Thankfulness is a growing attitude. The more u thank, the more u grow.

Super achievers are never threatened by someone else's success. They do not allow, jealousy or greed to dominate their feelings or thinking. We must realise that our own success should help others, and not hinder them. 
Super achievers realise that a constant diet of garbage, misinformation,  or negativity could derail them on the journey towards their life goal. 
Let all these negativity or the negative talks or the rejections be chewing gum of the mind. Chewing gum is good in its own place but a constant diet of it will lead to malnourishment and loss of energy. And it can further distract you from your mission and your Life goal.

Super achiever believes when u are thankless to small small blessings, those blessings will be taken away from you.
 We can set our own standard in our life. A tragedy of life is that many of us, settle for mediocrity rather than success. There is a genius in every person. People are designed for accomplishments, engineered for success, and endowed with the seed of greatness.

TENSE..ENGLISH reading and writing practice 1

                     Tense Revision    
   1. Make negative 2. Make interrogative ..(Speak Aloud to develop your English fluency)

Present Indefinite: I win.
I don't win.
Do I win ? 
Present continuous: I am winning. 
I am not winning. 
Am I winning ?
Present Perfect: I have won. 
I have not won. 
Have I won ?
Present perfect continuous: I have been winning. 
I have not been winning. 
Have I been winning ?

Past Indefinite: I won.
I did not win. 
Did I win ?
Past continuous: I was winning. 
I was not winning. 
Was I winning ?
Past Perfect: I had won. 
I had not won. 
Had I won ?
Past perfect continuous:  I had been winning. I had not been winning. 
Had I been winning ?

Future Indefinite: I shall win. 
I shall not win. 
Shall I win ?
Future continuous: I shall be winning. 
I shall not be winning. 
Shall I be winning ?
Future Perfect: I shall have won. 
I shall have not won. 
Shall I have won ?
Future perfect continuous: I shall have been winning. 
I shall have not been winning. 
Shall I have been winning.

Present Indefinite: I use Amway product. 
I do not use Amway products.  
DO I use Amway products?
Present continuous: I am using Amway product. 
I am not using Amway products. 
Am I using Amway products?
Present Perfect: I have used Amway product. I have not used Amway products. 
Have I used Amway product ?
Present perfect continuous: I have been using Amway product. 
I have not been using Amway product .
Have I been using Amway product ?

Past Indefinite: I used Amway product. 
I did not use Amway product. 
Did I use Amway product ?
Past continuous: I was using Amway product. I was not using Amway product. 
Was I using Amway product ?
Past Perfect: I had used Amway product.
 I had not used Amway product . 
Had I used Amway product ?
Past perfect continuous:  I had been using Amway product. 
I had not been using Amway product. 
Had I been using Amway product ?

Future Indefinite: I shall use Amway product. I shall not use Amway product . 
Shall I use Amway products?
Future continuous: I shall be using Amway product. 
I shall not be using Amway product.  
shall I be using Amway product ?
Future Perfect: I shall have used Amway product. 
I shall not have used Amway product. 
I shall not have been using Amway product. 
Future perfect continuous: I shall have been using Amway product. 
I shall not have been using Amway product. 
Shall I have been using Amway product ?

Present Indefinite: He wins.  
He doesn't win. 
Does He win ? 
Present continuous: He is winning.  
He is not winning. 
Is he winning ?
Present Perfect: He has won. 
He has not won. 
Has he won ?
Present perfect continuous: He has been winning. 
He has not been winning. 
Has He been winning ?

Past Indefinite: He won. 
He did not win. 
Did he win ?
Past continuous: He was winning. 
He was not winning. 
Was he winning ?
Past Perfect: He had won. 
He had not won. 
Had he won ?
Past perfect continuous:  He had been winning. 
He had not been winning. 
Had he been winning ?

Future Indefinite: He will win. 
He will not win. 
Will he win ?
Future continuous: He will be winning. 
He will not be winning. 
Will he be winning ?
Future Perfect: He will have won.
 He will have not won. 
Will he have won ?
Future perfect continuous: He will have been winning.
 He will have not been winning.
 He will have been winning.

Present Indefinite: They win. 
 They don't win. 
Do they win ? 
Present continuous: They are winning. 
They are not winning. 
Am I winning ?
Present Perfect: They have won. 
They have not won. 
Have they won ?
Present perfect continuous: They have been winning. 
They have not been winning. 
Have they been winning ?

Past Indefinite: They won. 
They did not win. 
Did they win ?
Past continuous: They were winning. 
They were not winning. 
Were they winning ?
Past Perfect: They had won. 
They had not won. 
Had they won ?
Past perfect continuous:  They had been winning. 
They had not been winning. 
Had they been winning ?

Future Indefinite: They shall win. 
They shall not win.
 Shall they win ?
Future continuous: They shall be winning. They shall not be winning.
 Shall they be winning ?
Future Perfect: They shall have won. 
They shall have not won. 
Shall they have won ?
Future perfect continuous: They shall have been winning. 
They shall have not been winning. 
Shall they have been winning ?