Wednesday, 11 January 2023

DREAMS & GOALS are the Direction & Energy of our Life

What is Dreams and Goals ? 

Dreams and Goals are the energy of our Life, fuel of our life,  Direction of our life . Dreams and goals keeps us in the success path. Powerful Dream helps us in overcoming Distractions and disturbances in our Life.

How can we build our future ?

We can build our future with right association. 
We become what we read, what we write, what we think , and what you speak most of the time. 

There is an old proverb. No goal No glory. The main cause behind every glory is our Dreams , the main reason behind every human success is the habit of writing our Dreams and setting our monthly & Weekly Goals.  

What is the benefit and advantages of written Goals ?

Written Goal habit helps us in overcoming our weaknesses. Written Goal habit strengthen our belief, keeps us  on the right track, saves our time, builds our confidence, Our Goal defines our Future ( हमारा लक्ष्य हमारा भविष्य तय करता है ....)

What if we don't set our monthly Goals ?

If we don't set our Goal, and if we dont teach goal setting our leadership can never produce results that we are expecting & waiting .. Without the habit of Goal setting we can never be effective and producers of Results.

Our leadership will become weak and feeble, without goal setting. Our leadership will look like an ordinary man. 
If we dont practice goal setting we will gradually lose our potential. We will lose our belief. We will lose your strength,  we will lose our power , we will lose our energy. 

We have to believe, Every human being has unlimited potential but most of us dont practice writing our goals, and thus our achievment is average.
 We are in control of designing our ideal future by helping people do the same.

Success is always designed by DREAMS & GOALS , suceess never comes by chance or by Luck. 
The map of your success is the map of your Dreams and Goals. Your Dreams and goals must always be written, well defined with dates and pictures.
Written goals have life. If u want to put life in your Dream, write it daily in your Dream note book. 
If your Dream book doesn't make you laugh, your Dreams are not big enough.

If something happens  by chance or luck, it is temporary, that temporary success will not stay for long .  
Never belief, Success is a Lottery system. Success is about creating Discipline and habit in our life. 

In the beginning you have to make your habits and at the end the habits will make you.

The permanent source of energy in our Life comes with Dreams and Goals. 

When leaders in your team duplicates the principle of Goal setting and teach their new LEADERS new joinings the growth principle of Goals setting, the success starts multiplying and compounding and thus our productive habit of goal setting  creates massive massive success. Our habit of goal setting is taking us towards mega mega success . 

True success comes through Duplication and compounding of our time and effort. Duplication and compounding begins when we start educating our leaders the success principles of Duplication & compounding in Amway Business.

When we teach leaders in our team building front line or building  structure of 3/4 or 6 legs in our team. We are teaching them how to generate profits in our team.
When we are placing people in our frontline, we are planning our profitability and when we are placing people in depth, we are building our security. 

When we have a goal of creating new frontlines or building depth in our team, we have to create more new list.
 We have to have the habit of building List, When we think about growth, we must think about more product knowledge,  more about business plan or Health plan. 
We must have the habit of updating the list by adding and removing people from our list. This must be our consistent practice.

DREAM is a personal BATTLE ( Dream that is not written is our WISH ). 

If wishes were Horses, the beggars would ride.

Dedication .. Dedications means love , committment towards our Goal. 

100% dedication towards our Dream and goals. Dream is a  consistent and persistent journey from one goal to next goal. 
The journey of Dream is not a 100 meter race, it is a marathon race. 
It is the journey of keeping ourself excited even in the time of challenges and adversity.

 When we sleep the goal should be there in our mind. 
When we get up in the morning, we must recall our dream , we should visualise our Dream . 
Consistent practice of recalling and visualising of Dreams will keep our Dream burning  alive till it is realised or achieved. 

This practice of visualising, recalling, and writing our daily goal  will lead us to our ultimate destination, our dream Life .

When dream is clear, daily goals become very interesting and very effective. 
Dream creates a pull force.
People who are not serious about their dream , will never write their dreams. Dream is never achieved by chance or luck. 
 Somebody has to take charge, take control of his or her  Dream or it will be like a fantasy world or as an imaginary world. 
 Let us be serious about our  goals about our life. 
Success is never a Luck. 
You have a choice either u believe in success principle or u believe in LUCK. 
Weak people believe in Luck and Destiny. Strong people believes in themselves and they believe in the habit of Goal setting, and sticking Dream pictures in their Bedroom. Theses people are different from average people.

Don't blame universe, take Responsibility of your life , of your Dream and of your Future. Dream is a personal battle against our own weaknessess. Few become victorious and most of them keep blaming circumstances and situations.
Remember,  Dreams and goals are direction of our life and personal battle of our life. And we have to win this battle.

Responsibility ...Take charge of your Dreams and  goals with100% responsibility. 
Remember,  No responsibility,  no success. 
Success never comes in the absence of responsibility. 
Somebody has to become instrumental to design and to achieve it.
 Dreams are progressive.  Smaller dreams first, followed by bigger dream in ascending order. 
Success comes with responsibility. Success never comes in the absence of  Dreams and Goals. Never be casual with Dreams and Goals. 
Take charge of your Dream and make it happen and prove yourself that you are a Leader. You are not a part of crowd.

Educate yourself...Build yourself, Educate yourself, the more we learn, the more we grow...
We have to Fill the gap of our learning to excel in our life ...
Identify your weaknesses and strengths.  Learning new things and all those things that is needed comes with taking responsibility. 
Identify and learn everything you need in the journey towards success.

Attitude .. Our attitude must be 100% positive towards our dreams and goal, yes I am going to do it. No body can stop me. It is my attitude. I am ready to face and handle all the challenges on my path of success. This is my decision.  I am willing to learn and I am willing  to change. No body can steal my dream. No body can stop me. The more i learn, the more i grow. When i stop learning,  i stop growing. 
I am a winner and I shall win.
Success is earned, success never comes to us as a gift. Success is planned and success comes with a price. 

Motivation ..Constant Dream Motivation and learning is an integral part  in the journey of success.  Your Dream should move you. Your Dream should energise you.
You cannot blame others for you setback or failure. 
Taking responsibility must be our key habit for creating success. 


S means Specific. Fix your goal, your activity with time frame. Activity produce results. You cannot predict results, you cannot control results but you can control your activity and predict your results. Results are controlled by our activity.
M means measurable, Measure your activity.  You can control your results by measuring your activity.
A means achievable , Our goal must be achievable. It should have a time frame. It should not be fantasy. Goals are achievable when u bind It with time.
R means Realistic,  our goal must be Realistic. It should not be a fantasy or imaginary. Our goal must be controlled within a time frame.
T means Timely. Our goal must be tied with a time frame. If our goal is not tied with time frame, it is vulnerable,  Volatile, imaginary never going to get fulfilled.

We have to have strong belief in our Dreams and goals , everything great in our Life comes with our Dreams and goals.

If we don't take charge, if we don't take Responsibility,  if we dont take ownership ,
we have to finish the success journey as a mediocre or middle class.
This is the right time, make a decision for your life, for your future, for your family future.
It's all about your mindset, it's all about how u think.
When u decide this way , if it is to be, it is up to me.
You will finish the race as a winner. One day you will be a super Achiever in your life, a Legacy owner for your generations to come.
So, bye for now.
God bless each one of you.

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