Thursday, 16 January 2025



Role of a mentor in Direct selling Business

A mentor plays a crucial role in the direct selling business, guiding individuals toward success and helping them navigate challenges. Here’s why having a mentor is important in direct selling:

1. Knowledge and Experience

Mentors have a wealth of experience in the industry, which they share to help you avoid common pitfalls.

They provide insights into proven strategies for selling, recruiting, and building a team.

2. Skill Development

A mentor helps you develop essential skills like communication, networking, and leadership.

They train you in product knowledge, sales techniques, and customer relationship management.

3. Motivation and Encouragement

Direct selling can be challenging, and a mentor provides emotional support and motivation during tough times.

They celebrate your achievements and encourage you to stay focused on your goals.

4. Personalized Guidance

Mentors offer tailored advice based on your strengths and areas for improvement.

They help you set realistic goals and create actionable plans to achieve them.

5. Building Confidence

With a mentor’s guidance, you gain confidence in your abilities to approach customers and grow your business.

Their belief in your potential helps you overcome self-doubt.

6. Networking Opportunities

Mentors introduce you to a wider network of professionals and customers.

They teach you how to leverage relationships to expand your business.

7. Accountability

A mentor keeps you accountable for your actions and progress, ensuring you stay on track.

They help you develop discipline and consistency in your work.

8. Long-Term Growth

A mentor not only helps you succeed in the short term but also prepares you for sustained growth and leadership roles.

They inspire you to become a mentor yourself, creating a ripple effect of success.

In the direct selling business, where personal development and teamwork are key, a mentor is an invaluable asset for achieving your full potential.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

What is delayed Gratification ? विलंबित भुगतान

Delayed gratification is ones ability to sacrifice or postpone immediate Rewards in order to achieve something more Rewarding in the Future.

The ability to delay an impulse for an immediate reward to receive a more favourable  reward at a later time

Delayed gratification is the ability to wait for a larger reward in the future instead of taking smaller Reward right away.

The ability to resist the temptation of an immediate reward in favor of a more valuable and long lasting reward later.

The ability to forego smaller Rewards in favour of a larger Rewards later, is called delayed gratification. 

The ability to  forego a smaller, immediate pleasure to achieve a larger or more enduring benefit in the future.

Delayed gratification is a form of self control and is ability to forsake immediately available Rewards in order to obtain larger-valued outcomes in future.

Delayed gratification plays an important role in human motivation, especially in relation to long terms goal, which requires consistency,  self control, and focus.

Instant gratification is the opposite of Delayed gratification. Being unable to resist immediate pleasure often leads to impulsive Behaviour resulting in unhealthy habits, resulting in addiction, and risk taking.

Set longterm goals, and visualize the outcome of your daily weekly and monthly goals.
Make a plan , create a reward system,  and make a plan to achieve your goals.
Track your progress to help you stay consistent.
Build a support system, surround yourself with people who can help u stay motivated.
Make small changes every day and stay consistent.

Examples of Delayed gratification  include going to Gym daily with the expectation of more strength in a few months time.
Studying hard now for a reward after the study session.
Not eating everything on your plate.
Saving money for retirement plan instead of spending it now.
Eating healthier by delaying desserts.
Waiting for someone to finish speaking before responding.
Working out longer to get stronger.
Learning and adding new words in your vocabulary promotes long term rewards and fulfillment. 


Thursday, 9 January 2025

The power of Meeting New People

A platform for learning and sharing IDEAS

Take Initiative to start your conversation 

Start Conversation, Keep them going, Build rapport, Develop Friendship, and Expand your Business.

There is no doubt that meeting new people and enhancing your conversational skills will improve your life.
Remember,  success never comes by chance, success is always designed. 
If I can do it, so can you.

Conversational skill is the Key 

Cultivate conversational skill. Meeting new people is not a Rocket Science. Expand your Horizon by meeting new people.
You will create pathways and channels for opportunities to meet more new people.

The great news about the people skill is that anyone can learn it.

Plan Your Formula for Sales and its Duplication

If we visualise ourselves working in a new role, feeling comfortable in the New Role , we are succeeding in a new Role.

6 visits per Day 

If we need to make one sale per day.
How many sales visit will we need to do everyday. The number is 6. 
Design your sales , a clear path to success, Each step mapped out ahead of you and make your sales Behaviour more productive.

It is our best measure. 

What if we didn't do the calculation. What if we just worked as hard as we could. What do you think the result would be. Don't Question like this.

Treat yourself as a Professional :

Treat yourself as a professional. Know Why, what and When to do any task.

Suppose you were training yourself to be an Olympic Champion runner. 
Would you go out every day and practise running any distance at any speed , just doing your best. 
Would you know exactly how far you have to run and at what speed you have to run in order to meet your defined goal to be successful in Olympic. 
Does it make sense. Did u understand the difference.

Sales doesn't come Automatically, someone has to design Sales: 

Sales doesn't come to you magically,  suddenly or Later. Somebody has to own the Responsibility of creating Sales and growing your sales.
You can control your sales through Goal setting Habit.
With daily goal set, you are able to work sharp, and with purpose.
You daily goal will help you to overcome your fear, Doubts and help you to do proper , effective planning.

Sales opportunities is Personal Growth opportunities: 

There are tremendous opportunities in sales, opportunities for self development,  opportunities for helping people, opportunities of work satisfaction,  opportunities for creating Financial wealth, and opportunities for expanding your business.

Measure your Results 
Whatever your goal is , start now by breaking your targets into smaller daily goals and measure it.
Remember today is the day of preparation and your success later will mainly depend on your plan and your dedication to your plan.

You can measure ...
1. Your number of sales visit.
2. Your number of sales.
3. Your number of phone calls you make for appointments. 
4. Number of whatsapp message or mail you send to your customers.

This will become your self-management systems.

Everything is Sales on this Planet 

Selling is not a mystical process.
It is predictable, logical, step by step process like a production line.
When we put in the right components part, we get the correct end product.
If we put fewer components parts than necessary we get an inferior end product.

There is no mystery about Salesmanship.
Remember one thing, everything on this planet is generated through sales.

Learn the process and become a  superstar in the world of Entrepreneurs .


Change Your Attitude Change Your Life

BOOK READING (बुक रीडिंग) के फायदे

किताब पढ़ना एक लीडरशीप आदत है या लीडरशिप प्रैक्टिस है.
किताब पढ़ने से निम्न लाभ प्राप्त होता है :

1. लोगों के बीच पुल का निर्माण करता है . हम लोगों को अच्छे से समझ सकते है . 

2.किताब पढ़ने से ज्ञान और आनंद की अनुभूति होती है.

3. किताब पढ़ने की आदत मंजिल प्राप्ति का मार्ग है.

4. किताब पढ़ने की आदत हमारे अन्दर जोश और उत्साह पैदा करता है .

5. हमारे माइंड मे न्यूरौन सक्रिय हो जाते है. जिससे      हमारा  काम सरल और आसान हो जाता है.

6. जिज्ञासा स्वरुप नींद उड़ जाती है.

7. आत्म विश्वास बढ़ता है.

8. जो काम व्यक्ति नहीं कर सकता वो किताब पढ़ने के बाद हो जाता है.

9. 80% अस्त व्यस्त जीवन दुरुस्त हो जाता है.

10. किताब के संगत से बिखरी हुई चीजे निखर जाती है.

11. शब्दावली और भाषा का निर्माण होता है.

12. किताब पढ़ने से बदलाव की प्रक्रिया तेज हो जाती है.

13. किताब पढ़ने से इंसान की कल्पना शक्ति बढ़ जाती है. 

इतने सारा लाभ क्या आप अपने जीवन मे और अपने परिवार या टीम के प्रत्येक लोगों को देना चाहते है....
अगर हाँ...तो
किताब पढ़ने की आदत पैदा करे .

मेरी शुभकामनाये