Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Nutrilite हमे रोज़ क्यों लेना चाहिए ?

Nutrilite ब्रांड का nutrition हमे क्यों लेना चाहिए ...
ज्ञान ही हमारे जीवन का प्रकाश है, अंधकार को दूर करता है ... nutrilite की जानकारी हमे अच्छे स्वास्थ बनाए रखने मे मदद करता है.

Do you Know, क्या आप जानते है,  NUTRILITE के हर प्रोडक्ट का USP यूनिक सेलिंग पॉइंट क्या है , USP ka अर्थ एक बार उपयोग करने की लागत.
हम अपने कस्टमर्स से जितना प्रोडक्ट का USP शेयर  करेंगे, समझाएंगे, उतना विश्वास हम अपने कस्टमर्स मे पैदा करेगें ।

1. NUTRI LITE के प्रोडक्ट जैविक खेती ( औरगैनिक फार्मिंग ) से तैयार किया जाता है.

2. कीट नाशक की जगह LADY BUG को कीट खाने के लिए उपयोग मे लिया जाता है. ( Goog BUG eats Bad BUG ) ..This is the secret of Organic Farming. 

3. हमारे प्रोडक्ट का CPU ( cost per use ) सबसे अच्छा है ...हमारा प्रोडक्ट महंगा लगता ज़रूर हैँ पर उपयोग करने पर सस्ता पडता है.

4. हमे RDA मात्रा मे Nutrition मिलता है. 
RDA यानी रेकॉमेनडेड डेली अमाऊंट ....जितना हमारे शरीर को रोज चाहिए उतना ही मिलता है..

अगर हम RDA मात्रा मे nutrition लेते रहते है तो बीमारी के कीटाणु ( bacteria और virus ) .. हमारे शारीर को अपना घर नहीं बना पायेगे और  हम एक स्वस्थ जीवन को अपना पाएगें.

मेरी शुभकामनाये

Monday, 30 December 2024

Edification is the Key principle in Team Building

What is Edification ?

Edification means speaking good about a person or things , Building image of other person with your power packed words and sentences.
Edification connects people.
It helps in building the self image of a person. Edification helps in building self-esteem , mutual respect in a team. 
The team can be created only on the principle of edification. Let us always practice edification principle in our Life while building our business or any XYZ Team and Groom our team with edification principle.

What is the importance of Edification ?

Edification is very important principle in team building process. 
If u promote the culture of edification in our team, we are going to create a massive massive unity in our organisation.
Edification promotes the feeling of Togetherness and Family.
The base of mega mega team is educating edification principle in our team. 
Big edification creates  big business. Successful people edify others and promote others and build their self-image.
We can build and we can keep our organisation safe and united when we promote the culture of Edification. 
We cannot survive a team without the principle of edification. 

Criticism or Fault finding habit can destroy your business 

Criticism or habit of finding mistake  in others is a 100% guranteed way of mediocrity.  We  destroy our attitude when we Criticise a person and make him look like an offender. 
When  you let other people down, you are spoiling your attitude. 
A person who is in a habit of finding fault in others and make people offended  will stay alone and lonely. 

You can check in a family where husband and wife Fights with each other, they don't have respect for each other, in such situation the children feel isolated and lonely. They try to find love and happiness outside their family fabric.

Whenever u will find the existence of a team, u will find the existence of edification value.
Edification value is very very important in building healthy relationships in our family.

Our first team is our Home Team 

Our first team is our Home team. Husband wife team is called our first Home team.
Differences between two individual is a normal process. It occurs everywhere,  in every marital life, family life. 

Some take it very seriously, that their partner is not upto the standard. God has given me a sub standard wife or sub standard husband.
Poor attitude can ruin everything whatever you have with you. Most of the problems in a family or in a team anywhere in the world occurs because of poor attitude. 

People  mostly degrade and de-edify other person and  promote their own self. This is a common weakness found in most of the people.
Poor listening is a major cause of failure, disputes, fights, disagreement, divorce and disturbance in our society.
Let us overcome all these challenges and build ourself as a winner.

