Thursday, 23 January 2020

English for ADS (2)

Adjectives ..3 degrees (जो noun या pronoun की विशेषता बताता है ). 
लोगो मे अच्छी फीलिंग पैदा करने के लिये, लोगो की तारीफ करने के लिए हमें adjective का सहारा लेते है। 
ये विशेषता बताता है।
इसलिए adjective का स्टॉक अच्छा खासा होना चाहिए। जितना अधिक अडजेक्टिव का स्टॉक होगा उतना अच्छा आपका व्यक्तिव होगा, आपके व्यक्तिव का आकर्षण होगा ।

अडजेक्टिव का 3 डिग्री होता है। उसे जानना, स्मरण करना हम सभी का पहला काम है।

Positive     Comparative     Superlative
Happy खुश       Happier              Happiest
Sweet प्यारा       sweeter               sweetest
Young जवान      younger              youngest
Wise अक्लमंद     wiser                   wisest
Safe सुरक्षित        safer                   safest
Fat मोटा              Fatter                   Fattest
Bad खराब           worse                  worst
Noble अच्छा       nobler                 noblest

Important महत्पूर्ण  more important most important

Beautiful सुंदर  more beautiful   most beautiful
Healthy स्वस्थ    healthier              Healthiest
active सक्रिय       more active        most active
Good  अच्छा        better                  best
Faithful विश्वासपात्र  more faithful   most faithful
Useful  उपयोगी   more useful        most useful
Effective प्रभावी   more effective   most effective
Smart अच्छा        smarter          smartest
Big  बड़ा               bigger                biggest
Tall  लम्बा             Taller                  Tallest
Wealthy अमीर    Wealthier            Wealthiest

Example : 
He is happy. 
He is happier than roshan.  
He is the happiest in the class.

Comparative  मतलब तुलनात्मक। 
Adjective के comparative फॉर्म में  than लगाया जाता है, यहाँ हम दूसरे से तुलना करते है। 

Practice exercise : कुुछ उदहारण 

Rani is better than soni.

Rahul is smarter than Raja.

Nutrilite is  healthier than Synthetic nutrition.

Amway is bigger than Reliance.

Rani is more beautiful than sweta.

Mahesh is more faithful than john.

Mumbai is bigger than Delhi.

Rakesh plan is more effective than sunil.

Chemical free product is more useful than chemical based product.

Sunil is wiser than Ramesh.

Free Enterprise business is more important than traditional business.

Junk food is worse than fast food.

My mentor is more active than Raju.

This baby is sweeter than that baby.

Superlative मतलब सबसे अच्छा।
... adjective के superlative फॉर्म में हमेशा the लगता है।

Practice Exercise : 

Amway is the best company.

Nutrilite is the best health & wellness company.

He is the happiest in the class.

Prakash is the tallest boy of his class.

Sushma is the best business tycoon of Raipur.

Junk foods are the worst food.

My mentor is the most active leader of India.

Free enterprise is the most important business of the modern society.

This baby is the sweetest of all the baby in the competition.

Practice Exercise :
Amway is a great business.
 Amway is greater than Reliance.
 Amway is the greatest direct selling company in the world.

My sponsor is a noble man.
 My sponsor is nobler than his sponsor. 
My sponsor is the noblest among all other sponsors.

My wife is a active lady.
 My wife is more active than his wife. 
My wife is the most active lady in Amway family.

My husband is a  hardworking gentleman .
My husband is more hardworking than your husband. 
My husband is the most hardworking gentleman in Amway family.

Home Work :

नीचे दिए गये Adjectives  का sentence ऊपर example देख कर बनाये।

Adventurous, ( साहसिक)more adventurous most adventurous

ambitious ( महत्वकांक्षी ), more ambitious , most ambitious

 courageous ( बहादुर ), more courageous, most courageous, 

charming (बहुत अच्छा),  more charming, most charming, 

polite ( विन्रम ) , more polite, most polite 

sympathetic (दयालु) more sympathetic, most sympathetic, 

diplomatic व्यवहार कुशल , more diplomatic, most diplomatic 

Sincere ( लगनशील), more sincere, most sincere, 

straightforward ( स्पष्ट) , more straightforward, most straight forward,

 Helpful( मददगार), more helpful, most helpful 

generous दयालु, more generous, most generous, 

Kind दयालु kinder, kindest 

dynamic ( गतिशील), more dynamic, most dynamic

 bright(चमकीला) brighter, brightest 

Self-discipline (अनुशाषित) , more self-discipline, most self-discipline

 resourceful साधन संपन्न,  more resourceful, most resourceful 

Proactive सक्रिय, more proactive, most proactive

practical( रचनात्मक) , more practical, most practical

organised( संगठित), more organised, most organised

 Efficient (काबिल), more efficient, most efficient,

Versatile( बहु मुखी ), more versatile, most versatile

Reliable (भरोसेमंद), more reliable, most reliable 

Trustworthy भरोसेमंद, more trustworthy, most trustworthy,

 loyal निष्ठावान, more loyal, most loyal

Energetic( ऊर्जावान), more energetic, most energetic, 

enthusiastic (उत्साहवर्धक), more enthusiastic, most enthusiastic,

 Cheerful खुश मिज़ाज, more cheerful, most cheerful

chatty बातूनी, more chatty, most chatty

 Hilarious हसानेवाला more hilarious, most hilarious, 

Humorous हास्यकार, more humorous, most humorous

 Amusing मनोरंजक, more amusing, most amusing,

non-judgmental अनिर्णायक, more non-judgmental , most non-judgemental

easygoing आरामपसंद, more easygoing, most easygoing 

Determined दृढ़ संकल्प, more determined, most determined

passionate उत्साही, more passionate, most passionate

Persistent दृढ़, more persistent, most persistent

fearless ( निर्भीक), more fearless, most fearless